
As Aida talked to her, Eliza could not help but notice that Alessandra had followed Rabekkah to the bathroom. Rabekkah was beautiful and young, and it was obvious something was going on between them from the time she sat down across from them.

She had taken the seat because there was no other place for her to sit. Surely Alessa did not think she would have done that on purpose? It was awkward when Aida said she and Alessa used to be everywhere together because it had been true. They used to be thick as thieves. Eliza had had a hard time adjusting herself to their new status. 

Rafe had asked her if she ever wanted to be with Alessa. Eliza said she had loved her deeply as a friend, but she had never thought about more.

“She said to me if I thought you never slept with a man before, I was wrong.”

Rafe smiled,

“She doesn’t know anything about who I have been to bed with. I have had opportunities with men, some damn sexy ones at that, but that was never my inclination.”

“Same with me,” Eliza nodded. Just because she had an open marriage did not mean she was open to any type of sexual encounter. But it did hurt her that she had hurt Alessa.

Alessandra came out of the bathroom and looked her in the eye when she sat across from her. Rabekkah avoided looking at her, and Eliza took a sip of wine. Aida prattled on endlessly.

People got up from the table throughout the night until it was just the four of them, ironically. Eliza immediately got up to leave the three of them to it. 

She and Alessa were nothing to each other anymore, and that was the truth of it, she thought as she put her wine glass down and headed to the exit.


More Wicked Wednesday here:


image via unsplash by Elliott Stallion

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