
Leon’s sudden promotion from friend to boyfriend had been a surprise to Alessandra.They had been living in a bubble with their relationship since they went upstate, and now they were on display for the first time. The gallery opening was their first formal event. Looks of surprise did not go unnoticed from people like Rabekkah […]


Leon was overwhelmed by Alessandra. He did not understand how a woman like her did not understand how amazing she was. Everything she touched turned to gold. As he walked with her, everyone looked at her like she was a goddess. Her long, dark hair was out and she wore a short black jumpsuit that […]


Alessandra woke up, and she was immediately unsettled because she had dreamt about Eliza. It was not the first time she dreamt about her, but this time it was deeply intimate even though they had not had sex. Alessandra had been close to her as a lady in waiting in medieval times and she had […]


As Aida talked to her, Eliza could not help but notice that Alessandra had followed Rabekkah to the bathroom. Rabekkah was beautiful and young, and it was obvious something was going on between them from the time she sat down across from them. She had taken the seat because there was no other place for […]


Another afterparty, another incidence of her sitting close to Alessandra–would this foretell another night like the last one they had together? Rabekkah was nervous, and a bit damp about her temples when Alessandra sat next to her. Everyone was drawn to Alessandra because she was beautiful, and even with a table of women whose sexuality […]


Peepshow was the new art show that Rabekkah was working on. The theme was pseudo-peepshow, and the dress for the show for the gallery aides like her instead of black was red. There were red curtains everywhere, reminiscent of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s The Gates in Central Park years ago. But there was nothing sexual in […]


Rabekkah returned to her apartment later the following day. She decided to go home, Alessandra had not kicked her out but she decided she wanted to be home with her things and to get sleep for real in her own bed. That was the first time she had ever gone home with a woman she […]


Rabekkah saw her reflection in the window sitting across from Alessandra. She knew that people were looking at them and on the surface thinking what was she doing sitting across from her? It was her second glass of champagne—Alessandra had handed it to her. Leon had been trying to set them up all night, and […]


“Alessa.” The soft diminutive of her name made her realize that someone had touched her arm. She looked up at Leon, his smile was soft and sympathetic. She was reading the guest book that was left at the art show in the gallery. The gallery assistant had handed it to her, smiled when Alessandra gave […]