Nichy liked being fisted, she liked the feeling of fullness and she liked the after inside of her. She and Tyler did not have time to do what she would have wanted in the bathroom, but he got three fingers inside of her and she could still feel him there. At her desk, she closed her eyes with the memory, and when she opened them Renee was in front of her.
“Nichy, can I talk to you for a moment?”
Nichy got up and followed her friend. Renee turned and looked at her, before turning around and letting Nichy look at her from behind again.
Everyone watched Renee from behind when she walked.
They walked past the library, and Nichy’s heart stopped for a moment, because she was afraid that Michelle was going to be there.
“I do not even have to ask you,” Renee said, looking at her with wide eyes. “You slept with Michelle, didn’t you?”
Nichy gasped.
“Did she tell you?”
Renee crossed her arms across her chest, and licked her lips. Nichy could not completely register the expression on her face, so she studied Renee unable to speak.
“No,” Renee said. “I just guessed.”
“Are you mad?”
Nichy stared at Renee, widening her own eyes.
“I am not mad about anything Nichy, I just wanted to know because you snuck off…”
“I did not sneak.”
Renee started to walk, and Nichy followed her. Renee turned suddenly, and Nichy bumped into her. Their bodies so close, that Nichy remembered instantly what it was like to be with Renee.
“I slept with her too,” Renee confessed in a rush.
“Before. I stayed late with her one night, showing her the ropes of the library and she was hardcore hitting on me. I mean she is gorgeous, and her perfume was all around me and she started playing with the top of my thighs. We left the library door open, but when back into the stacks and had sex,” Renee looked at Nichy with wider eyes than before. “I like sex where you can get caught, but I never had full-out sex like that where I could. We went to her place after, and did it again. I thought she was going home with me that night we were at the bar. But then she went with you.”
Renee shook her head.
“I am not jealous, I just wanted to know what happened and how I should proceed from here. It wasn’t anything, but now I know it wasn’t anything.”
Michelle walked toward them, a smile on her face.
“Do you girls want to go out for drinks tonight? I think it could be a lot of fun ladies…”
Both Nichy and Renee watched her walk into the library, and then looked at each other…
More Masturbation Monday here:

flapper via wikipedia
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