I always lived near cemeteries–it was not a conscious choice, just always where I ended up. It was nice because there were always long blocks where they took up space in a residential area. I often went for long walks when I wanted to get out of my apartment. My cemetery–or the cemetery near my place was a historical one and people often visited it. There were tours through it to visit the graves of the famous people who were buried there.
This morning, I was walking to clear my mind from my recent breakup. I had fired up all of the dating apps. There was a new one that if I used the precise location on my phone, I would see exactly where my match was as well. For fun, I turned it on and walked into the cemetery. I had just made a match with a guy who from my experience, was a complete player. I was just in a mood, and if the guy did not mind that I was at a cemetery… then I was definitely game!
“Helena,” I looked up, and it was the guy from the app. He was very sexy, even more sexy than he was on the app.
“Marcus,” I said. “So here we are…” I said thrusting out my hips and looking him up and down. He smiled and looked in my eyes trying to get a read on me. I just looked into his eyes–straight.
“So there is a bar a few blocks away if you want-”
“Let’s just walk through the cemetery.” I started walking and he followed me. I looked back at him. “Plus my place is nicer for drinks than that bar anyway.”
“Your place?” he said, with raised eyebrows and a smirk.
“Maybe…let’s see how things go? But just for drinks.”
Marcus and I walked through the cemetery. He followed me.
“Do you live nearby?” I asked a tombstone since I did not turn to face him.
“Yeah, I do.”
“This app relies creepily on location–near cemeteries at that!”
“It does.”
“We have probably seen each other or been in the same store at the same time.”
“Or the same bar.”
I looked at him.
“I saw you a few times at the bar a few blocks from here. When I saw you on the app, I jumped right on it because I had wanted to meet you and never said anything.”
I was surprised because he looked like such a player, so I smiled and shrugged.
“You should have just said something!”
“Well now I have Helena.”
“I have an idea…”
We went to the bar that he had suggested, and I sat a few stools away from him.
I ordered the house red, and looked at him out of the corner of my eye with a smile as he approached
“Is this stool taken?”
“Now it is,” I smiled, taking a sip of my wine.
I told him to tell me what he would have wanted to say if he had approached me and we had not met courtesy of the app.
“You’re beautiful.”
I stared at him because I was not expecting that. We left the bar a long while after even making dinner out of the few food items that they had. It was much darker outside and we both had to pass the cemetery to get to our places.
Marcus took my hand, and I squeezed his involuntarily because I was so turned on. I looked at him and he kissed me. It was already dark, but when he kissed me and my eyes closed it was as if we had entered an abyss. He pressed me to the cool fence of the cemetery, and my oversized sweater fell open about me. He grabbed my hips, and I grabbed his ass pulling him in closer to me. His hand slid up and touched he softly groped my breast. I pulled him into me more so I could feel him.
“Touch me,” I moaned, and he looked both ways before his hand disappeared under my dress which he lifted up to my waist. Blocked by a tree to the side of us and shadows all around us, he touched me until I fell limp against the fence with the exertion of my orgasm. Our breath was loud like thunder to me, as he pulled my dress down and fixed me neatly.
He took my hand again, and I looked back at the cemetery feeling explosive and ready for more.
More Kink of the Week here:

image via unsplash by Julia Kadel
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