Category Archives: dot dot dot

One-Year Wedding Anniversary

So I have not been able to access my blog for almost a week, and this post is soooo late and Masturbation Monday will be late as well. But better late than never–please celebrate Eliza and Rafe’s one-year wedding anniversary with them!!! Maybe because it was Halloween–maybe some spooks with that spooked my technology?!


Eliza was happy to go somewhere more private with Rafe in the lounge. The hallway was decorated dark and sparse like a cemetery. They were tangled in exaggerated cobwebs and moon-colored lighting, as they moved into a private room that had a “Reserved” placard on the satin sheets.
Rafe pulled her softly into it, and closed the door with his leg. He pushed her to the wall inside, and she looked up at him.
“Do you want the door open or closed?” He asked her, his breath and the halo of his lips on her jaw.
“Closed,” she breathed, and caressed his face so she could kiss him.
There was a drink minimum at the bar, but they had been drinking before they got there, so Eliza at least was tipsy. But not so tipsy that she did not remember that she had just seen Terrence with another woman, but was completely focused on Rafe.
He closed the door all of the way, and kissed her so hard he lifted her off of the floor. She wrapped her arms about him, and pressed her face to his chest. Eliza felt so safe in his arms, she felt like everything that was wrong with the world would be okay if he held her.
“I love you…” she said looking up into his eyes, and he looked down at her. His eyes soft and warm.
“I love you Liza, let’s get married.”
Eliza smelled the liquor on his breath, and laughed.
“Let’s get married,” he repeated.
Eliza was silent, as he let go of her on one side. She was even more silent, as he handed her her ring.
Her engagement ring.
Her arms tightened about his neck.
Ingrid and I are not getting married Eliza. It just was not going to work, and she saw what I knew but would not say. That I still want to marry you. I love you. Marry me, this time for real.”
Eliza could not see him because her eyes were so filled with tears.
Her eyes were still filled with tears a week later, when she saw a picture of them—her wearing a vintage white cocktail dress and him wearing a vintage suit with tails.
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes…


More Wicked Wednesday here:

Musings via @loveisafetish

Nikki and I made friends via Twitter–one of the things I love about social media. Polka dots was a shared love! I love that she inspires me daily–even more after reading this guest post she wrote. She motivates herself, and makes me want to be and do more!

Get inspired!!!

Posting the 281st photo to my #365photochallenge thread on Twitter, I caught myself feeling disappointed and bittersweet about being so close to finishing my year long photo project. Who even am I? What the fuck was that about?


The answer is pretty clear. This project has been beneficial on so many levels. At its most basic, accomplishing  any positive, daily task is good for your mental health.  Add that it’s something that makes me feel sexy, fun and creative? It’s been a fantastic cocktail of awesomeness. 


The theory is that the key to healing, growth or learning is to find something that works for you, personally, because we all learn differently. This photo project is an excellent example of that. It’s been difficult, frustrating and downright pissed me off to have to deal with weekly feelings of god damn it I’m too fucking busy and have a toddler and I do not have time or inspiration for this shit  oh wait, there’s a delightful sunbeam to take a nude picture in, score! And I think that’s what’s kept me going. It’s a challenge, but an attainable one that I have control over.


Not only has it made me feel remarkably better about my body and sensuality, but it’s made me pay attention and learn how the natural light looks in every room of our home at every time of the day. It’s allowed me to appreciate the way the light falls on my curves from different angles.  It’s required me think outside of the box in terms of location, pose, color, outfit, makeup, varying factors all playing a part in forcing myself to expand upon what I know to be able to take a unique photo every day, for hundreds of days. 


It’s forced me to get myself dolled up, dressed in lingerie and in a frame of mind that I might not have been able to access if I wasn’t so motivated to stick with this project. Weekly prompts, like Violet’s Lingerie is for Everyone and Molly’s Sinful Sunday have been my saving grace. Giving me a reason every week to try just a little harder, to participate, to put myself out there. All things that I struggle to do without a nudge. 

I was incredibly proud of myself for sticking with this project for the first week, then month, it seemed like no time and I was writing about hitting my half a year mark in July. Now, with only 80 days left, I’m already pretty certain I will continue my project again next year. Why wouldn’t I? It seems like a no brainer to continue doing something that genuinely affects my mental health in an incredibly positive way. 


You can follow along with my photo project here, and access the NSFW versions here or my Dropbox

Whenever I Call You Friend

It was not awkward, but Eliza noticed all of the differences in her body now that she was pregnant. She had had a lot of nausea in the first month and was tired all of the time. Those were the symptoms that made her check to see what was going on with her.

She and Rafe had not been trying to have a baby—especially not when she was sleeping regularly with Oscar. They used protection of course, she only did not use protection with Rafe. So when she realized she was pregnant she knew her baby had to be for her husband and that was the way it should be. Rafe said that he did not even question, because any baby she had would be theirs.

Looking at her naked body in the mirror, after having made love to her husband, Eliza studied everything new about herself. Her breasts were fuller, her nipples were darker and her eyes were brighter. There was a suggestion of a line from her navel to her mound, and it awed her to see all of the changes that were happening to her body…

…because of her baby.

The doorbell rang, and she wrapped her robe about herself. She was not expecting anyone. She had begun doing some small work remotely, but there were no meetings planned.

When she saw Oscar through the peephole, she swallowed.

Rafe had just left for work, and she was not sure what to say to Oscar. She had already told him the baby was not his, but then she paused and knew he was still grieving Chloe. When she opened the door, he greeted her with a warm kiss and her robe opened. He looked down at her body.

“You are beautiful,” he said, as she tied her robe about her waist.

Her eyes were warm when she looked at him,

“Do you want some coffee?”

He shook his head,

“I just wanted to see you, to see a friend.”

Eliza nodded, as much as she loved him she was a little afraid what he wanted from her as a friend.

More Wicked Wednesday here:

friendship via wikipedia


Damaris was inordinately aroused, as she was driven back to her apartment. Nyla had her driver drive her back there, because she wanted her to be especially fresh for Jared.

Damaris had every intention of being ready for him.

When she went back to her apartment, she took off all of her clothes, and folded them neatly in the bathroom. She was on such a fire, she was almost afraid to touch herself. A finger on her nipple was like striking a match, and she thought she would come from doing just that so she was afraid to touch herself anymore. It would be so much better to burst with Jared when he got there.

Damaris dressed slowly because she was afraid that any touch would made her burst with pleasure before his arrival. Thankfully he was right on time like he always was, and she was ready for him.

“Beautiful,” he said, and the sound of his voice almost made her come with its resonance. He looked her up and down lingering–she had dressed for him to linger on her every curve.

Her gown was transparent, and he could see everything. She could see everything behind him in the mirror. He cupped her breasts immediately, as he kissed her neck. His breath at her nape almost took her over the edge, but she did not. She hoped that it would be one of the times when he could not wait and that he would take her swiftly against the door, or not so much further than that.

It was.

He pressed her to the full-length mirror by the door. Her lips, palms and nipples touched the mirror, as he pulled up the back of her gown. His grunts of urgency made her thighs shiver, as she was desperate for him. With wide eyes, she caught his in the mirror and he looked at her while he fucked her. Each thrust was all the more intense because he looked at her while he did. His eyes widened as she fucked him back, but they never stopped looking at each other even when she came so quickly she was ashamed.

Jared held her breasts, and kissed her temple as he looked at her in the mirror.


It was.

More Masturbation Monday here:

image via Petticoat Diva Jo

The Look of Lust

Damaris was Nyla’s best girl, so she had a relationship with her whether she wanted it or not. A lucrative one in which she invited her over once a week for a meal, and the guise of friendship. It was Damaris’ impetus on that–they both probably knew it was easier to keep an enemy close at hand than not.

One of her top clients who had never asked to see any girl more than once, now only wanted to see Damaris. Nyla could not deny that she had some kind of appeal, and plus she did look so much like Carole. And like Gui, Jared Martel was stuck on Damaris.

But even while Nyla wondered what kind of je ne sais quoi Damaris possessed, she looked in the distance for Andres who she knew had to be nearby but she could not see him and it made her ache for him in her heart the way she did between her legs.

Now that they were lovers she felt him even when he was not with her. The first time they made love, they had waited so long. When he entered her, they were both still. The sensation of entering felt like maybe the high that a criminal got entering a place they did not belong. But the two of them did belong, and she grabbed his buttocks and he moved in and out of her. Her hips floated after him between thrusts inside her, like she did not want him to leave her body even that little bit.

Presently Nyla crossed her legs, and looked for Andres surreptitiously. Her heart and between her legs hungry for him…

*** ***

Damaris drank the brunch cocktail, which she was not even sure what juice it was for the mimosa. No, it was a Kir Royale. She had an appointment with Jared after, and all she could feel was the way her body vibrated when he called her beautiful. She shivered thinking about his sound, his touch.

Nyla mentioned him, and Damaris bit her tongue not to give herself away. She sipped her Kir Royale, and it was tasteless as she was only thinking about Jared.

Damn Jared!

He made her toes curl when she just thought about him, and not just about the sex. His limited communication was as intense as words. The way he looked at her, touched her and worshiped her in bed he did not have to say anything at all. He made her feel like no other man did and how could she forget that?

But he was a client, he was not an option. Not that she had not ever dabbled with that before, but that was not who she was now. She was trying to get her life together. Nyla even had to give her her due—she was her best girl. She worked hard, and she had worked hard with Jared why he made love to her—had sex with her–the way that he did. It was a perk of being good at what she did. Even though the thought of him touching her made her shiver again. She could barely eat or drink because anything she put in her mouth tasted like Jared. She could taste him, feel him—everything already. When Nyla mentioned him, Damaris hoped she did not see her look of lust…

More Masturbation Monday here:

image via Lascivious Lucy


More Sinful Sunday here:

Morning Commute

More Sinful Sunday here:


More Sinful Sunday here:

Jack and Jill Adult

Some links included in this post are affiliate links. This means that when you click on it and make a purchase, I make a small commission.

Hungry Like the Wolf

Damaris knew very well what had happened that night, but she would not say a word…Her word did not mean anything anyway after what had happened with Gui–after they found out that she had lied about everything about their marriage.

She knew they would find out she had lied, but she wanted to make sure that he did not come looking for her. She did not want to be saved. Gui was a good man, he wanted to save her and there was nothing she wanted less.

She made him think that everything had been a joke, that she had not meant it anything serious when she married him.

She had…

When she came back to New York she was looking for it seedy and dark, because that was what she wanted…

…or at least what she thought she deserved. She knew that Gui would want to save her because he would want to save her the way be could not save Carole—the way none of them had been able to save her sister.

She was currently afraid to toss and turn in the guest room even, because the huge man and slight woman who watched over her seemed responsive to her every shift in the bed.

Damaris had come here because she needed some certainty in her life money-wise and Graham had always helped her. She actually was sad that Graham had died, because he had always been very kind to her…in many, many ways. Kind but removed…

She had tried to come onto him, but he was never interested in her. Again, it was because of Carole. Carole set the bar, and she was not able to raise it or get past her sister’s memory.

Even when they shared a man, Damaris was not the lead sister. They looked so much alike, but people were more drawn to Carole.

Had Harry been reminded of Carole as well when he was with her? Or was he drawn to her? At the bar had not been their first time. When she had watched him and SabrinaNyla now—having sex, she knew that she had opened Pandora’s Box.

“You like to watch?” he had questioned her not right after, so that when he asked her she was a bit taken aback.

Damaris looked at him.

“I could see you even from a distance,” he said coming close to her. “Wet, hot…”

Damaris opened her mouth to talk, but his lips were over hers quickly and she pulled his hand to touch her…because she was still wet, hungry.

He teased her, and ran his finger over and over the thin strip of hair just about her wet, hungry lips. Damaris squirmed because she wanted him. She knew what he could do because she had watched him–she had seen him fuck. He pressed his finger right at the tip of her divide, and she practically came from that…

She remembered very well how the night after that had unfolded, Damaris thought, her hand between her legs…but it did not matter anymore.

More Masturbation Monday here:

Jack and Jill Adult

Some links included in this post are affiliate links. This means that when you click on it and make a purchase, I make a small commission.

still from hungry like the wolf via wikipedia


More Sinful Sunday here:

Jack and Jill Adult

Some links included in this post are affiliate links. This means that when you click on it and make a purchase, I make a small commission.