Damaris in Paris

The nice part of Paris was that Damaris never felt alone, when Jared was not with her. Carole was even with her sometimes, she had been in Paris with her sister so many times. It was a magical place for them. A sexy place. Gui never told anyone that the two of them had met […]

Hungry Like the Wolf

Damaris knew very well what had happened that night, but she would not say a word…Her word did not mean anything anyway after what had happened with Gui–after they found out that she had lied about everything about their marriage. She knew they would find out she had lied, but she wanted to make sure […]

Rising from the Ashes

Nyla was almost not even surprised to see Paolo hoisting a kicking and screaming woman up in his arms. First she saw saw Carole, then she realized it was Damaris kicking and screaming. Again she was not the least bit shocked that she was a pussy blocker. Andres was still completely naked, but Nyla had […]

Descent Into Hell

After a plethora of technical difficulties, and losing the post that I wrote for this week…I decided to do a flashback post…the beginning of Harry’s descent into hell… Harry felt lonely, and that was something that he never really felt. He understood why Sabrina had gone to London, and he was okay with it. But she went away […]


Harry was glad that there was not a police officer guarding Damaris’ hospital room. Incognito, he slipped in, and her eyes widened when she saw him. Even bruised and battered, he remembered how gorgeous she was when she had been underneath him. She was a beautiful woman. Honestly, he kind of liked the terror on […]

Masturbation Monday No. 228 — Flight via @_LittleSBitch

The four of them got into the car, Sabrina sat next to Harry. Silent. They had driven from JFK to the police station. Sabrina had pressed her head to the bars of the cell and looked at Harry there. She wanted to believe he was innocent, she knew what Damaris was like. Damaris had set […]

Quartet — Four Memes in One

Before Damaris sleepily crawled on top of him, Harry was still mostly asleep–though he had been thinking about picking up Sabrina from the airport later. Bed with Damaris was different than with Sabrina. Damaris smelled alluring, she oozed sensuality and danger. She slithered on him like a snake, straddled his hips and pushed him into […]

Masturbation Monday No. 255 — Floral

Harry backed up against the wall, his hands settled on Damaris’s hips. She looked in his eyes, and kissed his neck over and over, chewing on his skin which aroused him beyond arousal.“You have always been so nice to me, no one else…would be like you are being to me. If they saw me,” she […]

The Eyes Have It — Three Memes In One!

Harry felt lonely, and that was something that he never really felt. He understood why Sabrina had gone to London, and he was okay with it. But she went away a lot, and he was not one to keep her from doing what she wanted to do…but it did mean that he was alone in […]

Masturbation Monday No. 220/KOTW — Men In Panties

Sabrina was speechless, when Drew called her from London. “Arrested?” she repeated after him like a question. “Yes, the wedding was annulled. Damaris said that Gui was abusive to her, had him arrested and wants the marriage annulled. She says he never intended to be a real husband to her.” Sabrina felt such a potpourri […]