Rafe held Eliza tight to him, his breath sweet with amaretto from the Disaronno that they put in the eggnog while they listened to Christmas carols on the sofa. Eliza pressed her cheek to his chest, and closed her eyes. She loved feeling this close to him, and sunk deeper into the emotion. Her phone […]

Masturbation Monday #194 — Sabrina (Nichy) & Carole Flashback

Please enjoy this flashback with me (my MM No. 135)–which is even more magnificent with recent story development between Sabrina (Nichy) and Carole! Nichy coaxed Carole’s breast out of the cup of her bra, biting her tongue as she flicked her friend’s nipple back and forth.”You know, Drew would have liked to have watched us…” […]

Masturbation Monday #194 — Sabrina (Nichy) & Carole Flashback

Please enjoy this flashback with me (my MM No. 135)–which is even more magnificent with recent story development between Sabrina (Nichy) and Carole! Nichy coaxed Carole’s breast out of the cup of her bra, biting her tongue as she flicked her friend’s nipple back and forth.”You know, Drew would have liked to have watched us…” […]

Masturbation Monday #182 — Carole’s Story

There was something about Carole… When the two women went out for lunch—when Gui had to go back to work and they went back to being American and British tourists, respectively—that was when Sabrina saw it plainly. “You are in love with Gui!” Sabrina exclaimed and clapped her hands, the recognition shocking her like electricity. […]

Wicked Wednesday #239 — Christmas Carol

Rafe held Eliza tight to him, his breath sweet with amaretto from the Disaronno that they put in the eggnog while they listened to Christmas carols on the sofa. Eliza pressed her cheek to his chest, and closed her eyes. She loved feeling this close to him, and sunk deeper into the emotion. Her phone […]

Guest Blogger Rose C. Carole Caters To Our Needs!!!

I met Rose C. Carole at BDSM Writers Con, which I wrote about and have pictures of. She is one of the organizers of the event–which I cannot wait to return to next year! At the time, she told me about Catering to His Needs. I was salivating–I mean food and kinky sex? This is the […]

All of the Drama — Flashback

Next week, will be Mathilda meeting Harry—this week the last time they met… Sabrina was silent, she wanted to pretend she was a shadow. Harry jumped out of the bed, erection bobbing and wrapped his arms about her. From there, she turned from a shadow to stone. His warm body felt like ice to her, […]

A New Chapter

Mathilda had on a lovely dress for the ball–well it was a small ball at the hotel bar nothing special but it was a new year/new you. Although she had already had a new self, she was happy to expect even more for herself for the new year. “Are you alone?” Mathilda turned around, and […]

Damaris in Paris

The nice part of Paris was that Damaris never felt alone, when Jared was not with her. Carole was even with her sometimes, she had been in Paris with her sister so many times. It was a magical place for them. A sexy place. Gui never told anyone that the two of them had met […]

The Look of Lust

Damaris was Nyla’s best girl, so she had a relationship with her whether she wanted it or not. A lucrative one in which she invited her over once a week for a meal, and the guise of friendship. It was Damaris’ impetus on that–they both probably knew it was easier to keep an enemy close […]