Masturbation Monday No. 126–The Story of the Eye

Nichy woke up tangled with Tyler, so she kissed his chest and closed her eyes.

She remembered being in Paris with him, and the way she loved him like she had never loved before. Making love with him right in front of Sonia was like birds building nests, it felt natural and was what she needed to do to survive.

When he opened his eyes and looked at her, she returned his gaze for a long time. She wanted to kiss the depth of his eyes looking at her. She wanted to lick his eyeballs in a tender way, and nothing like what happened in The Story of the Eye by Georges Bataille.

Instead she leaned in and kissed him as tenderly as she had desired to lick his eyeballs. From considering the roundness of his eyeballs, Nichy craved the roundness of his balls. With ease, she crouched between his legs and took in the heat of him which she loved. With the tip of her tongue, she licked his balls like a kitten licking milk. Softly and considerately, she flicked her tongue over him and teased his shaft in intermittent flicks. He ran his hands through her hair and caressed her face, tilting her face to look up at him. He looked at her the same way he had looked at her before they started, which warmed her through and through. When she looked back down at him, she was humbled by his desire on display. She loved that she could get him hard. She loved that when she really began in earnest to pleasure him, he pulled her up to straddle his thighs. With complete ease they became one, Nichy moved up and down on him loving the feeling of fullness. The feeling when he was out of her and she had come all around him, that she had memorized where he had been. She knew every nook he had touched inside her.

She would be aflame with the memory of him, when they were not together in bed like this.

More Masturbation Monday here:

eyeball via wikipedia

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