Tag Archives: sex bloggers for mental health


It was not like an episode of a television show where the characters faced some harrowing situation that was magically resolved the following week…

This was real life.

The incident with Ingrid was so jarring, it made Eliza realize she was stronger than she thought she was. She had saved her own life. The PTSD and pills were not what defined her, she wanted to manage them And she knew she could not do it alone.

She could not do it alone.

Another night of sleep deprivation, Eliza sat on the edge of the bed bathed in moonlight. The direct moon was like the sun too bright, until Rafe’s shadow eclipsed it.

“Liza?” he said, and the warmth of his body was soothing like the sun but she still felt so cold inside. How many nights had she woken up, him right behind her—inviting—and not been able to say a word? Not been able to articulate what she felt inside? She had told him about Adrien and their missed accident, he knew about the accident they had when she told him about Oscar and no one had been with her for the last accident. She had been alone and broken like the Frida Kahlo painting that Kahlo took of her own accident and how she felt. They had repaired Eliza, but she still felt patched up mentally and physically.

Rafe wrapped his arms about her, and she pressed her back to him seeking his warmth for the cold that she felt inside of her.

She had told him that she was afraid all of the time, anxious all of the time. All the emotions that she felt aside from these feelings that began with the letter A, were two that began with the letter L. Love and lust for her husband, and fraternal love for her sister Jeanne.

But even love could not save her completely. She wanted to not be broken anymore. In the flood of moonlight in the arms of her love, she searched for warmth and he gave it to her. The way he held her like a silent language as he reached to hold her hand.

More Wicked Wednesday here, more Sex Bloggers for Mental Health here. My #SB4MH story is fictional, but please take a look at the non-fictional posts there as well.

frida kahlo painting via wikipedia