Sabrina lie on the bed soaking wet, her body wet from jumping into the pool. Her eyes were wet as well–what was she going to do?
Gráinne caressed her cheek, and Sabrina placed her hand over hers. They looked at each other again, speaking their silent language. No one knew when Graham would be back, so there was endless anxiety.
When she closed her eyes, she felt Gráinne walk away from her. When she opened her eyes again, Andres sat across from her. The combination of excitement and fear that she felt was overwhelming. How long had he been there? Did Gráinne and Paulo know he was there? Did Graham come back?
Before she could open her mouth, Andres spoke somberly,
“There was an accident–Graham was in an accident. They called to tell us, I am here to take you to the hospital. You are his emergency contact.”
Sabrina sprung up. She threw on a dress which felt foreign to her, because she was always naked in the sun these days. Her shoes felt foreign too, because she was always barefoot. The four of them drove to the airport and boarded the private plane to the hospital.
Sabrina arrived, and was taken solo to Graham’s room. He looked up at her feebly, his gorgeous face bruised. She knelt, and kissed his hand.
“My love,” she said, as her eyes filled with tears.
He moved a single finger, so very different from how Andres had and she heard him moan.
She kissed the finger he had moved.
“You are the lady of the house, I need you to take care of things while I am gone. I need you to take care of everything Sabrina. Everything.”
“My love…all of the things for you.”
*** *** ***
Nyla never lingered outside anymore.
She curled into a ball in bed, as she thought about Graham and the coma he fell into shortly after she was with him. It was hard for her, but she visited him every day to see if there was any change, and then there was a change.
He died.
Now all she wore was black, and lie in bed when she was not taking care of his business. His business which she had run from, was now hers–he left everything to her. It was clear to her that she had to reinvent herself.
She was not Sabrina anymore, her new name as the queen was Nyla.
Nyla was the queen of this business and this house.
She kept her servants–she let them know that right up front. Andres and Paulo were even more essential to her, because she was a targeted woman. Underground, she was a woman that had a great deal of power. There was no way for her to get rid of it now, there was nowhere for her to run right now.
Not yet.
Andres and Paulo accompanied her everywhere. Including her daily visits to Graham’s grave. She placed a bouquet of roses there herself daily. The drive there was long, and Andres and Paulo sat on either side of her for the duration.
When she returned home, Gráinne literally had to bathe and dress her. Nyla lie on her side, and cried after.
There was nothing she was happy about, her life was a maze of doors she had run through and kept running through. Where would she end? She did not even remember who she had been in the beginning.
Then she saw him holding a rose.
Graham walked toward her. He knelt beside her this time, and held her hand like she had held his the last time she saw him conscious.
“My love…all of the things for you…”
She stood up.
“It is normally tortured souls that stay on earth they tell me, but I was tortured. I remembered you too much. So they let me come to say goodbye. Goodbye my only love, and you know there is love close to you.”
But he disappeared.
Andres ran into her room, and she looked at him dazed and confused.
“Hold me,” she cried.
“I can’t hold you Nyla,” Andres said. “I am not an eunuch.”
Nyla looked at him lasciviously, and slowly pulled off her already thin nightgown.
“Love me.”
She needed him, half of her pain was losing Graham and the other half was she knew she could be with Andres. His thigh pressed to hers in the car made her wet on the way to the cemetery each day, but she could not even touch herself because she felt guilty that she was not mourning Graham enough. Every time she looked at Andres, she wanted him so desperately she feared she would combust.
She mourned her dead lover and the man she wanted with the one breath.
“Nyla,” Andres’ breath was hoarse when he said her name. “You cannot take this back, if this happens you are mine.”
If he resisted her now, she would combust. She played with her breasts, and dipped her finger into herself. He could not tell her no now…
More Masturbation Monday here. If you want to read another sexy story of mine, try “Date Night” on!

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queen via wikipedia
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