Tag Archives: eroticon

(Almost) Live From Eroticon!!!

This year’s Eroticon is a bit bittersweet, because this is the last year that the amazing Ruby Kiddell will be hosting it. I am not sure what is going to happen to the conference, but it has been such a life-changing event for me. I have met so many people, and had so much fun. This year will be no different, I am sure! Molly is hosting a meet and greet for all of us that are going, and so this is my introduction:

NAME (and Twitter name if you have one)

F. Leonora Solomon—@fdotleonora

If you had the opportunity to rename yourself (or your blog) what would you pick?

I would drop the F, and just be Leonora. The F confuses people I think!

What are you most looking forward to at Eroticon Live and/or is there anything you are nervous about?

I am excited about seeing all of my friends that I have made, and a few people for the first time. The whole reason for me going is to feel more connected to the community…

Have you planned which sessions you will be attending or are you more of a spur of the moment kind of person?

I am a spur of the moment girl for sure—but I will definitely be attending (and running!!!) a session on anthologies. If you have any questions about that —whether you are going or not—leave me a comment about it!

What essential items to your life will be bringing with you to Eroticon Live? (you can have a maximum of 5)

Phone, tablet, converter to charge them, perfume and my imagination…

A new cocktail has been made on your honour, what would be the key ingredient and what would it be called?

There are a lot of cherries in it, and my liquor right now is gin…but I cannot name it!!!

And finally… Complete the sentence; I have yet to…..

travel to Africa, Asia, Australia or South America…

Meet a ton more attendees here!

Want to Come…Over?

What happens at Eroticon does not stay at Eroticon! K D Grace inspired me to write a story, and be a guest on her blog! Today is the day! If you like my Masturbation Mondays–this should be right up your alley! 

Here is an excerpt:

He was not the love of her life by any means. They had only gone out a couple of times—in some cases he just filled the space just so that she would not be alone. After a few drinks—they did not even have dinner—she wanted more than his conversation.

Lying on her side now, the night after, she could still feel the scruff of his stubble all over her body. She liked the chafed feeling of where his mouth had been on her. His mouth was the ultimate turn-on for her. Not so much the feeling of it, but what he said.

You like it rough don’t you, you like it raw right?

Hmmm, see just how rough and raw on K D’s blog!!!


Yesterday was a really awesome blog day for me. I had my amazing, brilliant friend Vena Ramphal as a guest on my blog. I met Vena at Eroticon a few years ago. Her session was so life-affirming and rich, and her post is the same–full of love and life…You can read it here if you missed it, or again!

This year at Eroticon, I met the equally amazing and brilliant Girl on the Net. GOTN was there last year, but I did not get to meet her. This year I did, and she is really awesome! She did a fantastic session which you can read about here, and gave us lots of chocolate–so I am a friend for life! But most of all, she is full of such great energy and shares my suit fetish–which is what my guest post on her blog is all about! You can read it here.

It only seemed fair in an ode to my great blog day yesterday, to honor something else of yesterday…Don Draper in his suit!

photo of Don Draper via flickr

Sticky Notes No. 1

I met a lot of luminous people at Eroticon 2014, and attended equally as luminous sessions there. A lot of people were able to do a roundup of everything on their blogs, I fear I am not that gifted to capsulize everything in that way. Today is three weeks since the conference began, and it still is impacting me. For all the sessions I attended it was nice to compare notes with everyone else, especially when they attended a session I did not.

Being Blacksilk attended a conflict session that she described to me, and promised she would post her notes from it. She did, and I was so appreciative. I was even more appreciative when I saw her latest post. I attended Kristina Lloyd’s Flash Fiction session, and had every intention of trying my hand at it. However seeing Being Blacksilk’s sticky note micro-fiction prompt made me realize even I could do that! So I did on the train this morning, and took a picture of the sticky note on my lap with my iPhone.

I really liked this story, after I knew what I would name my protagonist I was ready to go. I actually am itching to finish this story, and just might. At first I was like maybe I would do it as a series of sticky notes, but that is not going to be powerful enough for me to explore it all. I am thinking I might start more of these in the future on sticky notes, and I will probably share them intermittently. I need inspiration however I can get it, so I will be keeping a pink post-it pad in my purse…

Below is the transcript of the story in case you cannot read it, although I do pride myself on my very neat penmanship acquired from Catholic School!

Eliza was always waiting. As a younger woman with her friends in bars looking for Mr. Goodbar like the novel and movie she had read. Now she was in the hotel bar waiting for her fiance. Curled protectively over her drink, she thought about all the things going on in her life, all at once at a pace she could barely control. Slowly, a man sat beside her at the crowded bar, everything about him was slow, measured including his smile at her. Eliza felt inside her as if everything had stilled in that moment.

photo by f dot leonora

Renee Rose is the Boss Lady

Renee Rose and I are both tired from Eroticon 2014 which was held in Bristol, but Renee has had four releases in the past four weeks! Her latest is The Bossman, from Riverdale Books the brainchild of Lori Perkins. When we decided we would do this interview which was something I used to do in a previous blog life, we just looked at each and knew what we wanted. Renee crackles with energy, and this is not surprising since she revealed to me she is a healer in her professional life. There is a tremendous calm about her, but there is no doubt that she is quite a dynamo in everything she does.

“I am a little manic, there is no other explanation!” Renee jokes. Voted America’s Next Top Erotica Writer during Eroticon USA, her impressive two-year career displays her stamina and deep passion for what she does. The first day of Eroticon in Bristol, Renee distributed wooden paddles with her brand on it that shows off her dancer’s legs. She is this amazing combination of hard, business and soft, intuitive woman. Being around her, her warmth and sincerity is infectious. I feel so comfortable with her even though we have only met a few times. She is completely authentic, writes hot erotica and is totally the master of her universe. Scroll below for Renee on Renee…

I grew up in Denver, Colorado. I used to ski, but decided it wasn’t worth a knee injury that could end my dance career.

I was taught that genre fiction was bad, so after abandoning Sweet Valley High at age 14, had not read any romance other than Jane Austen. Got my degree in English.

During a plane ride I needed a book, and a friend gave me a romance novel and I really liked it. It was a feel good book–a hot guy, a hot woman get together!

Spent a year devouring romance and decided I would write one, but would edit out spanking because it was not PC.

I wrote a book in six days, it was pubbed two weeks later and had an Amazon ranking of 3000. The stars aligned to tell me I was on the right track.

I am a mom, modern dance teacher–had my own dance company for ten years. I am a PTA president, and a healer. I do body work for people to move out of pain. With some people I use energy work in addition to the Feldenkrais Method, with others, I just use energy as an intuitive guide.

 As a child I was the usual overachiever. My parents put me in dance because I had a lot of energy to burn.

Had to have surgery before I got pregnant with my daughter. I could not survive because I could not dance.

I was a born a spanko, spanking (my) dolls. In a way (spanking) goes with the overachiever thing. I was always the good girl, I was never spanked. I was the pleaser, I would do my homework, be on time. The psyche of a spanker is the need to please, the desire to be right, to please someone.

I am always a bottom.

(There is) a slight difference in BDSM v. spanking.  (With spanking) the shame and humiliation is part of the turn-on. The truly being naughty, paying for punishment.

If you asked me for a natural healing alternative, I could probably have five suggestions, maybe ten. 

 I was never the type to chase my kids, my kids chased me (they were) like mom is going let’s go!

photo courtesy of http://www.reneeroseromance.com


Bristol is completely decadent, sadly my flight here was such I am not sure I am going to be able to do more then just attend Eroticon. Yet isn’t that enough?

Tea in my hotel across from the river was zen. I love that I am one of those rare people who is employed to do something they love. My entire life has been devoted in one way or another to writing and editing. Erotica was always a fascination, picking out the good bits from my mother’s novels. And mine, still! I have to pick a good bit of my own work Sunday–I am reading at High Tea, gulp.

I’m anxious and nervous in the best of ways about everything…

Hello Eroticon 2014!!!

A little over three weeks away from being in Bristol for Eroticon 2014, and I am more than thrilled to be going there! I have been to Eroticon in the UK and the US, and it was awesome. I never would have thought that a career in erotica would have me traveling the world like I have. But it has, and I am just…thrilled!

Raised on a steady diet Kathleen E. Woodiwiss and Rosemary Rogers, my mother told me about these classic romances long before I was allowed to even read them in front of her. It was cherished and treasured bonding between us, and I still cannot stop reading Shanna. Like my mom said, she could open it up at any point, and read it all over again.

I told stories since before I wrote them, and editing comes with the territory. Anais Nin was the vehicle for why I do what I do, and why I love erotica so much as a genre. How many novels did I skim for the good bits when I was a little girl?!

What is your name?

F. Leonora Solomon

What are you most nervous of about Eroticon 2014?

I was not nervous at either Eroticon, and do not expect to be this time either. It’s really nice to meet people who I have only ever seen online, so sometimes I am a wee bit starstruck!

What do you hope to get from Eroticon 2014?

I think what I have enjoyed most about Eroticon is I have gone places I had never been before to meet like-minded people. That is the best thing about a conference like this, everyone is on the same page and I learn so much.

What is your bad erotica writer’s pen name?

J. Q. Orificeicle

C’est tout pour moi, see more Eroticon attendees’ introductions here.