Category Archives: bits&pieces

Bits and Pieces of Lady Crush Modesty Ablaze!!!

I am not even going to hide my lady crush on Modesty Ablaze, not even going to try to! Literally I believe that she sets modesty ablaze! Aside from her breathtaking Scavenger Hunt and Sinful Sunday photos, she created the Polaroids Past meme, which I have participated in a few times. Modesty is a Make Love Not Porn star as well! Even though she will try to convince you she is not a writer, she has published several diaries of her sexy exploits.
Even though I am in awe of all she has done, it was the conversation that I had with her for this profile that made me crush on her. She is warm, honest and eloquent. She was a little nervous when we started–I did not tell her I was a little nervous too! But we were tres comfortable within minutes via Skype, and connected on a lot of levels.
I have not done a Bits and Pieces post for a long time. Bits and Pieces is just that, capturing bits and pieces of my amazing subjects unplugged. Here are little bits of Modesty for you, like lovely bonbons to sweeten your life.

I don’t consider myself a writer, I had to psych myself up. One of my lovers said that I should do that (write) and I had a bit of a challenge. I used to write little excerpts of when I had been out and about. So I pieced together pieces that I had written for my husband. ..

You know that thing when you were at school and you were too scared to come up with the answer so that you would not be laughed at, and somebody would say blah blah blah and they would steal your thunder?

Everyone works differently, my husband is a techie. I like pen and paper, good old pen paper…

It comes down to the the fun element, what sounds interesting and brings silliness and fun. I was very shy as a little girl, but I did like to have fun. When I was clowning about, I wasn’t really being myself. I was curious, I think I was a bit out there.

What I would like to say about the Scavenger Hunts really is that…again it’s just really all about having a bit of fun and seizing the moment. Did you see my “Pedestrian Crossing” post and the little video there??? That was really just a fun spur-of-the-moment thing that was made even more fun and thrilling later on when we found out that there was a actually a video camera streaming for 24 hours or so. We only discovered it when we were reminding ourselves of song titles later that day and happened across the video stream feed. Made for lots of giggles and fun cuddles watching it!!! It’s lighthearted, I don’t take myself seriously.

Not many of my girlfriends I can tell that I have a vibrator, some would find it completely offensive. I used to have a mask on, but I own what I do and I have had fun. If my family and friends found out, that would be on them. What I do has not harmed anyone, it has not changed me as a person.

photo of Modesty Ablaze via modesty

Renee Rose is the Boss Lady

Renee Rose and I are both tired from Eroticon 2014 which was held in Bristol, but Renee has had four releases in the past four weeks! Her latest is The Bossman, from Riverdale Books the brainchild of Lori Perkins. When we decided we would do this interview which was something I used to do in a previous blog life, we just looked at each and knew what we wanted. Renee crackles with energy, and this is not surprising since she revealed to me she is a healer in her professional life. There is a tremendous calm about her, but there is no doubt that she is quite a dynamo in everything she does.

“I am a little manic, there is no other explanation!” Renee jokes. Voted America’s Next Top Erotica Writer during Eroticon USA, her impressive two-year career displays her stamina and deep passion for what she does. The first day of Eroticon in Bristol, Renee distributed wooden paddles with her brand on it that shows off her dancer’s legs. She is this amazing combination of hard, business and soft, intuitive woman. Being around her, her warmth and sincerity is infectious. I feel so comfortable with her even though we have only met a few times. She is completely authentic, writes hot erotica and is totally the master of her universe. Scroll below for Renee on Renee…

I grew up in Denver, Colorado. I used to ski, but decided it wasn’t worth a knee injury that could end my dance career.

I was taught that genre fiction was bad, so after abandoning Sweet Valley High at age 14, had not read any romance other than Jane Austen. Got my degree in English.

During a plane ride I needed a book, and a friend gave me a romance novel and I really liked it. It was a feel good book–a hot guy, a hot woman get together!

Spent a year devouring romance and decided I would write one, but would edit out spanking because it was not PC.

I wrote a book in six days, it was pubbed two weeks later and had an Amazon ranking of 3000. The stars aligned to tell me I was on the right track.

I am a mom, modern dance teacher–had my own dance company for ten years. I am a PTA president, and a healer. I do body work for people to move out of pain. With some people I use energy work in addition to the Feldenkrais Method, with others, I just use energy as an intuitive guide.

 As a child I was the usual overachiever. My parents put me in dance because I had a lot of energy to burn.

Had to have surgery before I got pregnant with my daughter. I could not survive because I could not dance.

I was a born a spanko, spanking (my) dolls. In a way (spanking) goes with the overachiever thing. I was always the good girl, I was never spanked. I was the pleaser, I would do my homework, be on time. The psyche of a spanker is the need to please, the desire to be right, to please someone.

I am always a bottom.

(There is) a slight difference in BDSM v. spanking.  (With spanking) the shame and humiliation is part of the turn-on. The truly being naughty, paying for punishment.

If you asked me for a natural healing alternative, I could probably have five suggestions, maybe ten. 

 I was never the type to chase my kids, my kids chased me (they were) like mom is going let’s go!

photo courtesy of