At the Center

Eliza started taking yoga so she could find her center. Lying on her mat before class, she closed her eyes and tried to block out all of the things that had been going on with her and around her. Therapy and yoga had been a very good balance for her.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a woman walk into the classroom. A quiet gasp escaped her when she realized it was SallyOscar’s ex.

There was really no reason to talk to her now, because she and Oscar were not together anymore—Oscar had told her about that. Eliza could tell he was leaving out details, but she did not pressure him. He eventually told her everything, so she knew when he was ready he would.

Eliza could not help but watch Sally throughout the class. She was modelesque with her poses, the instructor even commented on it. At the end of the class, Eliza had hoped to not have to engage with her but when everyone drank tea at the end of the class they locked eyes.

Sally smiled awkwardly, and sipped her tea.

“I guess you know now, I am sorry I came to your apartment that time. You know when you think you and the other lesson are unbreakable? That was all that was. I am sorry,” she said.

Eliza shrugged.

“Relationships are difficult. I certainly know that, and I have had difficult moments with Oscar so…”

“Yeah, I know. Good class.”

They parted, Eliza left and then again Sally at the café she always went to. How was she going to find her center when she kept finding Sally everywhere?

But then a younger version of Sally sat across from the older one. Eliza figured it was her daughter—good she would not have to make small talk after all. Eliza looked down at her menu when she heard a loud noise, realized it was a slap and watched the younger Sally hold her face.

Sally got up, threw her wine at the younger version of herself and stormed out of the café. The younger Sally sat there stained in wine and tears.

Eliza picked up her phone to text Oscar, but all of a sudden there he was in the café. He took the hand of the younger Sally, and rushed into the ladies’ room with her.

Eliza felt like she was at the center of this drama even though she was not. A repaired younger Sally walked out of the bathroom, Oscar still holding her hand. He never let her hand go, and if there was any question about their relationship he kissed the younger Sally for a long time. A kiss like a scene in a movie, and never let go of her hand.

Eliza sighed, she remembered what that kiss felt like and what it meant. Now she understood the interaction between the younger and the older Sallies.

When would Oscar tell her?

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    1. it is intriguing!!! waiting for the next prompt from Marie to see what will happen next!!!

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