Masturbation Monday No. 197 — Cinderella

Was it all about the fantasy? Was nothing real for her?

Sabrina waited at her and Harry’s favorite neighborhood bar. She had spent most of the day lost in fantasies about Drew, and how fire-filled it had been between them.

She remembered arching in the bed when he went down on her, because his tongue literally felt like fire on and around her clit. It felt like fire probing every crevice of her, and warmed her come between her legs, so that it almost felt like candle wax between her thighs.

But then her memories sobered, and she remembered she was waiting for Harry. That she had left her life that included Drew, and now she was with Harry, and he had been becoming everything until that scared her so much that she ran from him in dreams and reality.

Because she wanted the fantasy to last maybe? She was like Cinderella maybe, but she left way before the chance of the carriage turning back into a pumpkin and her glass slipper shattered.

Harry walked in, and wrapped his arm about her immediately. He kissed her, and she felt the type of fire between her legs that she had been fantasizing about.

“What are you thinking about” Harry asked her, looking in her eyes.

She felt the fantasy splash in her eyes, as she looked at him.

“Nothing special,” She replied, and wrapped her arms about him.

The heat of him was compelling, and she pressed herself as much to him as she possibly could. He wrapped his arm about her, and they did not even have to disentangle to order because the bartender knew them, and what they wanted.

Two glasses of Montepulciano.

Sabrina wanted to live for the fantasy, maybe this was the fantasy. Her and Harry, and the not so quiet fire between her legs…

More Masturbation Monday here:

cinderella fleeing the ball via wikipedia


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