Masturbation Monday #174 — Silent Desire

“You seem distant.” Harry said to her, clinking his glass of Montepulciano with hers.

Sabrina looked up at him, anxious and annoyed at how he seemed to read her mind.

There were several times that day, that she wanted to put her pen down at work, and just leave. Without a plan, without anything because she needed to be free.

Free of what, she was not even sure.

But she did not want to be tied down.

She took a sip of her wine, as she looked at him and as she savored it she had a flavor memory of him. Of the taste of going down his length and the sweet, sweet taste of his come in her mouth.

Sabrina leaned forward, and kissed him as she put her hand in the deep inside of his thigh and then let her eyes linger on his.

There was no mistaking her silent desire.

In her apartment, she actualized going down his length, exploring his familiar shaft and taking time to really be intimate with him.To look in his eyes, to let her tongue tease and caress him.

There was no rush, neither of them was going anywhere. Harry looked at her which made between her legs liquid. She was so damp there, she would have attended to herself if she was not attending to him.

But she had a job to do, and she was guaranteeing his pleasure.

A sweet quick kiss between his thighs, her lips grazing his balls on purpose, and she could feel his tells.

She was ready.

His taste in her mouth was so sweet—not actually— but it was like the best dessert. She licked her mouth because there was some on her upper lip. Harry sat up, grinned at her and touched her cheek.

“You missed a spot,” he said, and she sucked his finger like she was doing a job and smiled as he surrendered to her attention.

There was nowhere else she’d rather be…

…just then.

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