When Harry Met Sabrina… (Flashback)

This is a flashback to when Harry met Sabrina, and a prelude for next week’s post! Sabrina was restless in the middle of the night. Alone, she was confronted with all of her life choices–and changes. Her body of course ached for something more, it was the middle of the night when she was alone […]

Descent Into Hell

After a plethora of technical difficulties, and losing the post that I wrote for this week…I decided to do a flashback post…the beginning of Harry’s descent into hell… Harry felt lonely, and that was something that he never really felt. He understood why Sabrina had gone to London, and he was okay with it. But she went away […]

Masturbation Monday No. 228 — Flight via @_LittleSBitch

The four of them got into the car, Sabrina sat next to Harry. Silent. They had driven from JFK to the police station. Sabrina had pressed her head to the bars of the cell and looked at Harry there. She wanted to believe he was innocent, she knew what Damaris was like. Damaris had set […]

The Eyes Have It — Three Memes In One!

Harry felt lonely, and that was something that he never really felt. He understood why Sabrina had gone to London, and he was okay with it. But she went away a lot, and he was not one to keep her from doing what she wanted to do…but it did mean that he was alone in […]

Masturbation Monday No. 197 — Cinderella

Was it all about the fantasy? Was nothing real for her? Sabrina waited at her and Harry’s favorite neighborhood bar. She had spent most of the day lost in fantasies about Drew, and how fire-filled it had been between them. She remembered arching in the bed when he went down on her, because his tongue […]

Masturbation Monday No. 169 — A Crowded Train

Sabrina could not help but grin when she saw Harry waiting for outside of her work building. They had not realized that they worked so close together. They met a lot at the neighborhood bar after work, but this time they were going to ride the train home together and then go to the bar. […]

Masturbation Monday No. 164 — Memory

Harry stood outside of her door, and Sabrina pressed herself to it. She knew why he was there, he saw Ben was over a few nights ago. She saw him going up the stairs when Ben was leaving her place, and she had not had Ben over since… …since they had started what they started. […]

Masturbation Monday No. 162 — Wet

Sabrina closed the door behind her, to her apartment. She felt a little wobbly, as she pressed her back to it. Her breath surprised her, with its raggedness. Her body still ruminated with his body, that had just been joined with hers. She did not want to be sentimental about it, she did not want […]