Nichy followed Michelle to her apartment. She made it sound to Renee and Theodora, as if she was doing so because she was only trying to be nice to Michelle. Renee looked at her for a long time, and Nichy was sure that Renee suspected something but said nothing.“Say hi to Gavin for me,” Nichy said, and wondered if that seemed cold after.
“I will,” Renee said, and kissed her cheek.
Michelle opened her door, and Nichy gasped.
The futuristic design of the apartment looked like something from the future.
“This is something!” Nichy exclaimed.
Michelle turned around and smiled.
“I had it designed by an ex, he was an architect, There was something not quite so accessible about him, but he was able to do this for me.”
Michelle walked around in her apartment which looked a fishbowl. Everything was rounded, much like Michelle. Michelle turned to look at her.
“Are you going to stand there all night? Are you playing hard to get again?” Michelle asked.
Nichy walked over to Michelle, and Michelle laughed.
“You are so pretty, I would play any game you like Nichy. As long as I get you in the end…”
Nichy stared at Michelle’s lips, with freshly applied lipstick. She did not even realize when they kissed. Michelle’s lips were soft and hungry, which was a potent aphrodisiac. Michelle pulled her close, and Nichy felt molded to her curves.
“I do not think that I need to offer you anything to drink, so what can I offer you Nichy? Sometimes, I wish life could be like a story that I write.”
“What do you write?”
“Hmmm,” Michelle hummed, and Nichy felt the vibration of it through her body because they were so close. “Speculative fiction, and when I write sex scenes they are out of this world!”
Nichy caressed Michelle, she did not think about it. Her hands savored the softness of her curves, and all the things that she had wanted to touch all night. Had Tyler felt the same way? She was unable to determine if she really wanted Michelle, or if she wanted to experience what Tyler had. Wanted to know what he had felt, and what Michelle was like that was so different than her. Nichy knew that he loved her and she loved him, and she had forgiven him but her curiosity was still there.
And he could not get mad at her because he had done it. But she had been with Graham, so who was she to point fingers?
What fingers were there to point, when she and Michelle began to rub up against each other. Michelle was rounded against the wall, and Nichy rubbed noses with her. When she placed her hand on Michelle’s hips, Michelle bucked them and placed her hands over hers.
It was like deja vu that she could not share with Michelle, instead of being called Michelle, she whimpered Michelle’s name over and over as they made love. She saw their naked bodies overhead above Michelle’s bed, which reflected their slithering sixty-nine position. Her eyes were dazed between Michelle’s thighs, and she wondered if this was something she had done with Tyler.
More Masturbation Monday here:

red lips via wikipedia
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