Ribbon in the Sky

Harry looked up, as he was walking down the hall and saw Charlotte. She smiled, surely he did not think that he could just abandon her when she worked for the company that just merged with his? Especially not now that she had been relocated to this office…possibly she could have had something to do […]


Charlotte woke up, soothed by her own softness in contrast to the rough sex she had had with Harry. She had feared that he was out of her life forever, and she did not want him to be. She wanted him so much it hurt. From the moment she saw him, she wanted him. She […]

Hands Up

Harry needed to take the edge off. He watched Charlotte apply her makeup, applying her blush with the delicacy of a feather. She blew a kiss at him. “I was wondering what had happened to you? You have not called me in a long time!” she said. Harry did not feel like engaging in conversation—that […]