All of the Drama — Flashback

Next week, will be Mathilda meeting Harry—this week the last time they met… Sabrina was silent, she wanted to pretend she was a shadow. Harry jumped out of the bed, erection bobbing and wrapped his arms about her. From there, she turned from a shadow to stone. His warm body felt like ice to her, […]

Hungry Like the Wolf

Damaris knew very well what had happened that night, but she would not say a word…Her word did not mean anything anyway after what had happened with Gui–after they found out that she had lied about everything about their marriage. She knew they would find out she had lied, but she wanted to make sure […]

The Queen

Sabrina lie on the bed soaking wet, her body wet from jumping into the pool. Her eyes were wet as well–what was she going to do? Gráinne caressed her cheek, and Sabrina placed her hand over hers. They looked at each other again, speaking their silent language. No one knew when Graham would be back, […]

Descent Into Hell

After a plethora of technical difficulties, and losing the post that I wrote for this week…I decided to do a flashback post…the beginning of Harry’s descent into hell… Harry felt lonely, and that was something that he never really felt. He understood why Sabrina had gone to London, and he was okay with it. But she went away […]

Opera Seria

Sabrina was silent, she wanted to pretend she was a shadow. Harry jumped out of the bed, erection bobbing and wrapped his arms about her. From there, she turned from a shadow to stone. His warm body felt like ice to her, because she was shocked and because she had not been with him for […]


New York City felt like a foreign country, after Sabrina had spent so much time in Graham’s home just outside of the city. But since she had barely been outside of his house since she took refuge there, it was like learning to walk again in the city. She had finally decided if she was […]

Masturbation Monday No. 228 — Flight via @_LittleSBitch

The four of them got into the car, Sabrina sat next to Harry. Silent. They had driven from JFK to the police station. Sabrina had pressed her head to the bars of the cell and looked at Harry there. She wanted to believe he was innocent, she knew what Damaris was like. Damaris had set […]


Eliza drove with Jeanne to JFK to pick up her friend Sabrina, who was currently in a bar at the airport because her boyfriend was not able to pick her up. He was working late he told her, but he would see her in their apartment as soon as she got there. Sabrina looked like […]

The Eyes Have It — Three Memes In One!

Harry felt lonely, and that was something that he never really felt. He understood why Sabrina had gone to London, and he was okay with it. But she went away a lot, and he was not one to keep her from doing what she wanted to do…but it did mean that he was alone in […]

Masturbation Monday No. 221 by @more_matters — Grieving

They had made love not out of want or need, but out of companionship. Sabrina’s stockings were ripped and torn not from desire, but from the necessity of making contact with warm skin and any barrier was ruined in the process. The thong was wet and soiled with Gui’s come, as was her dress. Sabrina […]