
Mathilde sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed. The tears had cooled on her face, because she had finally stopped crying. She had even cried when they made love, which was the way that Cadmus tried to say sorry to her—with his body.

Had she ever really fooled anyone at that point, as many times as she had transformed herself? She could see her face in the mirror, and she looked far removed from herself, but if someone really knew her they would know her body and how could she have supposed that he would not have remembered her body?
She assumed that he had not remembered her.

“I remembered you after, I remembered not being with you and missing the way that you were always there for me, but that I was not ready for it. By the time I met Cleo I was better, but not completely–she can tell you about that,” he said, pulling her close to him after they made love. After he had confronted her, and let her know that she was not hiding anything from him.

No matter how much she had run away from her life, she had not even run even half away from anything because she brought her same issues with her. As Cadmus kissed the slope of her neck, she could feel he wanted her again, and she could not say no. For him to be after her was so different than before—when she was always so desperate for him. He moved against her backside, and she moved against him in return. Their gnawing hunger for each other rampant…

More Masturbation Monday here:


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