(Flash &) Fleur Friday No. 21 — Scarecrows

They passed a bunch of scarecrows and skeletons, on the way to Terrence’s apartment. It was Halloween after all, and it was a bit creepy but not completely. Jeanne wanted Terrence so much, and the way he held her hand let her know that he wanted her just as much.
In the lobby of his building, he opened the door and pulled her close to him so she could feel every bit of his desire and how it equaled hers. If he could have put his fingers between her legs—and she was sure he would momentarily—he would feel every bit of her longing liquified.
In the elevator, he cornered and kissed her with so much fever she was afraid that she was going to spontaneously combust. In his apartment, he picked her up and carried her to his bedroom. It was such a terribly romantic gesture, that Jeanne was afraid that she was going to melt in his arms.
All the time that she had spent denying that she wanted him, started to dissolve as his body covered hers.
“Is this okay? Do you want this Jeanne? I don’t want you to think that you have to do anything that you are not ready to do…”
Jeanne realized that she had made him think that she was not that ready for him because there had been so many stops and starts when they were together previously.
“I want you,” she whispered softly, looking up at him. “I have wanted you for a very long time, and now…”

Looking in his eyes at close range, felt more intimate than kissing felt because her eyes were closed then, and now she was afraid she would dissolve into the sheets.
She was more scared now than she had been by any of the scarecrows or skeletons she had seen on the way over to his place to lie under him…

More Flash Friday here, more Fleur Friday here.

scarecrow via f dot leonora

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