Fleur Friday No. 16/ Friday Flash No. 24, Part II

Jeanne went back to Terrence’s apartment with a bouquet of flowers and a box. She knew he liked fresh flowers in his apartment, and she figured that she needed to bring something there because she was not sure how their conversation was going to go.
She had left him in the middle of Industry City to go see her sister.
Her sister.
She had not expected things to go the way that they had with Eliza at all. Especially not Eliza already knowing they were sisters, and the box.
Jeanne was uncertain about taking the box, but Eliza told her to take it.
“Look at the box, and then tell me what portion of the story I do not know. Please go, take it and we will talk about it later.”
Jeanne was uncertain about the pills that Eliza had taken, but she did as she was told and took the box. She felt a little better when Eliza texted her that she was sorry she was not feeling well, but that Jeanne needed to see the box.
Jeanne would look at the box, but first Terrence. He opened the door and took the flowers and box from her hand, placing them on his coffee table.
“So what did you have to do that you left me in the middle of…” He rubbed his face, and looked vulnerable. Had her pussy stopped throbbing since they had kissed that morning? She reached up to touch his face, and he looked down at her. His hand placed on her ribcage, grazed her breast and she gasped.
“Terrence, I had to go tell Eliza that I am her sister. Eliza and I are sisters.”
His hand remained on her rib, but he rubbed his face with his other hand.
“You and Eliza are sisters?”

“Yes, I had to tell her because I wanted to tell her about you. I needed her blessing because I can’t be with you if it would bother her.”
She walked past him, and felt him on her heels follow her and place his hands on her upper arms. Jeanne turned around, and looked up at him.
“You really don’t want to be with me?” He asked from behind her.
Jeanne pressed herself to him involuntarily, and it felt like they were glued together. Her emotions were moving at the speed of light, but the thing she felt the most was that she wanted Terrence.

Everything was a sign.


More Friday Flash here. The first part of this story was featured in my last Wicked Wednesday. The theme of sisters was also portrayed in my Masturbation Monday this week.

this is a sign sign via f dot leonora for friday flash!


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