My Sexy Saturday: Her Sexy Fantasy

As promised picking up from last week, I bring you into the “sexy” galaxy of my NaNoWriMo novel! This novel was based on this story I wrote about dirty panties–but it had a mind of its own and got into a lot of other things–I still have not finished writing it! But here is another glimpse of it…

“So again what is a classy girl like you doing in a joint like this?”

She did not know if he was being facetious when he said that to her, but she looked at him through a cloud of smoke.

“Why does it matter to you about a girl like me?”

“Because maybe I was waiting for you sugar…”

She was not sure where he got that line from, but it worked on her like hell.

She went with him to the side entrance of the bar, and he opened the door for her and let her into his office. Saoirse looked around at him, and he was so close to her it felt like she would combust.

This scene is a combination of Saoirse’s sexy fantasy and reality…for more sexy fantasies, go here



knickers via wikipedia

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