Masturbation Monday No. 160 — Desert

“Are you okay?” Sabrina looked at Betty. She was sure Betty was concerned, but she was also the nosiest person, and secretly probably craved some salacious element to whatever was wrong with Sabrina. Spotting a glimpse of even Ben looking at her, Sabrina tried to lighten her face with a soft smile. “I am fine.” […]

Masturbation Monday No. 159 — Object

Sabrina had been half asleep when she did it, but she had done it and now she had to deal with the repercussions. Her neighbor started to appear often in her window. Between them it was unspoken. This was someone who she had titillated, and he wanted more of the same. To be honest, it […]

Masturbation Monday No. 158 — The Middle of the Night

Sabrina was restless in the middle of the night. Alone, she was confronted with all of her life choices–and changes. Her body of course ached for something more, it was the middle of the night when she was alone in bed. That was when she was the neediest. But then she realized she was not […]

Masturbation Monday No. 155 — Kneel

Sabrina lie on the floor with her legs still spread, her labia tremored from the aftershock of her orgasm. Her anus was damp with her come, and she looked up at Ben who hastily tucked himself away, after he heard the footsteps of her neighbor so close… She saw her neighbor looking at them. His […]