The Look of Lust

Damaris was Nyla’s best girl, so she had a relationship with her whether she wanted it or not. A lucrative one in which she invited her over once a week for a meal, and the guise of friendship. It was Damaris’ impetus on that–they both probably knew it was easier to keep an enemy close […]

Hungry Like the Wolf

Damaris knew very well what had happened that night, but she would not say a word…Her word did not mean anything anyway after what had happened with Gui–after they found out that she had lied about everything about their marriage. She knew they would find out she had lied, but she wanted to make sure […]

Rising from the Ashes

Nyla was almost not even surprised to see Paolo hoisting a kicking and screaming woman up in his arms. First she saw saw Carole, then she realized it was Damaris kicking and screaming. Again she was not the least bit shocked that she was a pussy blocker. Andres was still completely naked, but Nyla had […]

The Queen

Sabrina lie on the bed soaking wet, her body wet from jumping into the pool. Her eyes were wet as well–what was she going to do? Gráinne caressed her cheek, and Sabrina placed her hand over hers. They looked at each other again, speaking their silent language. No one knew when Graham would be back, […]

Guest Blogger Asrai Devin’s More Than Friends Will Leave You Breathless!!!

Simply put, Asrai Devin takes my breath away! Her erotica is like “Velvet.” With her new book More Than Friends coming out, I asked her for a return guest appearance to leave you breathless as well! I love her writing and her taste so much, that I have added her as one of the elite […]

Looking Back (Reprise)

I have been writing this series for a long time as a lot of you know. A lot of characters come and go…Severine is one of those. I wanted to include her in a new story this week, but I was so struck by this old post. She may be coming back…or not…but I wanted […]

Descent Into Hell

After a plethora of technical difficulties, and losing the post that I wrote for this week…I decided to do a flashback post…the beginning of Harry’s descent into hell… Harry felt lonely, and that was something that he never really felt. He understood why Sabrina had gone to London, and he was okay with it. But she went away […]

Opera Seria

Sabrina was silent, she wanted to pretend she was a shadow. Harry jumped out of the bed, erection bobbing and wrapped his arms about her. From there, she turned from a shadow to stone. His warm body felt like ice to her, because she was shocked and because she had not been with him for […]


New York City felt like a foreign country, after Sabrina had spent so much time in Graham’s home just outside of the city. But since she had barely been outside of his house since she took refuge there, it was like learning to walk again in the city. She had finally decided if she was […]

Parallel II

Jeanne knew that she had no right to feel the way that she did, but she did. When Karys told her that she was deeply in love with Mal, she knew that she had no right to be jealous about it. She was gracious with her friend of course. Told her it was not a […]