Deja Vu: Sabrina

This week, we revisit Sabrina–putting out all of the fires… Sabrina looked around the pool, everything about the island escape was the same as if she was at the compound—all of the players were there. Gráinne was at her side looking anxious, wringing her hands. Paulo and Andres stood side by side, and the tension was thick. The only difference was that Graham was […]

All of the Drama — Flashback

Next week, will be Mathilda meeting Harry—this week the last time they met… Sabrina was silent, she wanted to pretend she was a shadow. Harry jumped out of the bed, erection bobbing and wrapped his arms about her. From there, she turned from a shadow to stone. His warm body felt like ice to her, […]

Like Tinder

Damaris was obsessed with her new apartment. She had not expected Graham to have died, and she had not known what to think when Sabrina—Nyla was left in charge of his business given their past history. But Nyla had not failed her–the apartment was amazing. The business had evolved to a level that Damaris had […]

Hungry Like the Wolf

Damaris knew very well what had happened that night, but she would not say a word…Her word did not mean anything anyway after what had happened with Gui–after they found out that she had lied about everything about their marriage. She knew they would find out she had lied, but she wanted to make sure […]

The Queen

Sabrina lie on the bed soaking wet, her body wet from jumping into the pool. Her eyes were wet as well–what was she going to do? Gráinne caressed her cheek, and Sabrina placed her hand over hers. They looked at each other again, speaking their silent language. No one knew when Graham would be back, […]

🔥🔥🔥Putting Out All the Fires🔥🔥🔥

Sabrina looked around the pool, everything about the island escape was the same as if she was at the compound—all of the players were there. Gráinne was at her side looking anxious, wringing her hands. Paulo and Andres stood side by side, and the tension was thick. The only difference was that Graham was there. […]

Little Earthquakes

Gráinne put herself together so quickly and elegantly it was like magic. She assisted Paulo, and the two of them stood in place as if it was a theater production. Wasn’t it? Andres had already walked away from her, and Sabrina lie in bed watching him take his place beside Paulo and Gráinne. Graham walked […]

Open Invitation

Andres looked up and beyond Sabrina, as she looked up at him. She followed his gaze to a single red balloon up in the air, but she wondered if he was covertly looking at Gráinne and Paulo. She looked up at him again, and realized she was not breathing. He did not look down at […]


Sabrina felt herself shiver from head to toe just thinking about Andres, and even more so because she knew that he could see her well from the poolside. She was completely naked because she could not stop now—it would look conspicuous wouldn’t it? Even after he had asked her to stop? She could see the […]


Jeanne only really drove in France, so driving in New York—not the city—was something she was not used to. But Sabrina wanted to see her — specifically to see someone who was not Graham. The huge house was beautiful, but Sabrina standing in front of it looked like a lost princess. She looked like a […]