
It was not like an episode of a television show where the characters faced some harrowing situation that was magically resolved the following week… This was real life. The incident with Ingrid was so jarring, it made Eliza realize she was stronger than she thought she was. She had saved her own life. The PTSD […]

Wicked Wednesday #323 — Passenger

At first, she could not feel her body. It was like she was not even there. Then she felt she was prone, and in a great deal of pain. The realization of pain rushed in like flash floods, during a torrential rainstorm. Eliza felt the tears on her cheek, as everything started to come back […]

Wicked Wednesday #314 — Black

“I miss you…” The sound of Terrence’s voice was jarring. Eliza had not seen him in a very long time, but the second that she heard his voice she missed him too. Her heart was infinitely big, she felt like she had more chambers than other people’s hearts in hers. She felt inside the way […]

Wicked Wednesday #310 — Curtains

Eliza felt her cheeks heat when she saw drops of come on the curtains, backlit by the sun. She woke up slowly, her body was deliciously sore. Her lips felt sensitive when she licked them, because she had blown Adrien like it was her profession, and he had wanted to finish in her while she […]

Wicked Wednesday #309 — Conviction

Eliza had her head on Adrien’s shoulder, she could not resist looking at the television to see if the accident was covered on the news. It was. She had had little conviction that it was a terrorist act, but she needed to know. It was equally despicable that it was revealed that the driver had […]

Wicked Wednesday #308 — Driving Lessons

Eliza was pretty sure that driving lessons did not include driving on the sidewalk—but where she was with Adrien, in the little nook on the sidewalk where they had tucked into…that nook was the only reason why they were not hit by an out of control car that eventually crashed into a fully glass storefront […]