Lies and Truth

There was just a puddle of people left at the party. The three of them at the table: Sally, Eliza and Alessandra. “Let’s play a game!” Alessandra suggested, and grabbed Sally’s hand. “Two truths and a lie maybe?” Sally burst out laughing. “What are we, children?” She said, looking at the shine in Alessandra’s eyes […]


Sally sat on the barstool; it was not often that she went out without baby Charlotte. But she had gotten closer with Eliza and Alessandra, and Alessandra decided to have a private party at Calvin’s restaurant.  Calvin was not able to spend much time with her because he was hosting the artsy crowd. Sally focused on […]

Charlotte’s Mouth

Charlotte’s mouth intrigued Sally. Her baby daughter would suction her skin with her little mouth as she had no teeth yet, but she sucked so hard. And then her toothless smile, Charlotte was a happy baby. Sally felt happier with Charlotte than she had with Chloe because she knew what to do with her, and […]


“There is something different about you,” Calvin said as he kissed Sally’s breasts and nipples. She moaned because it felt good, and she liked having her breasts touched but they were a little sore. They had been sore when she was pregnant with Chloe too. Sally winced a bit when he touched her and he […]


Never in her wildest imagination did Sally think that she was going to see Eliza and not want to throttle her. But things had changed, and she was standing in front of her and just smiled at her nemesis. Eliza returned her smile — but what else would she do with her daughter there? Sally […]

The King

Sally did not realize that a sexual fantasy did not have to be over the top. All of her life she had been over the top with lovers. Never ever did she imagine that she would get wet over the thought of being pressed to the kitchen counter with Calvin’s hand shoved down the front […]


Sally loved the creative part of her job, but sitting on Calvin’s couch with her MacBook on her lap she was not thinking about her work. She was thinking that she loved him, and she wanted to say it in a creative way but she was going to settle for right now. He was in […]

Everything I Loved

“I need you to tell me what you want Sally, I have been super patient with you and I want to know what you want from this,” Calvin said, as he poured more red wine for her. A red blend that she was not sure what grapes were in it, but she knew she liked […]

Like A Teenager

Sally looked at a picture of herself when she was a teenager. She looked so much like, or her daughter Chloe had looked so much like her.  Sally wished sometimes that she could go back to those times when she was young, and before all of the things that had happened to her had happened […]

Her Favorite Mistake

Calvin wrapped his arms about Sally. It was not a warm day, but it was not that cold as they sat on the ground by the calla lillies she had placed on the grave of her daughter. She had told him about Chloe, that she had died too young. But it was here that she […]