Tag Archives: travel

a hell of a town…

I left New York for a few days, which I love to do because I have severe wanderlust. When I said I was from New York (City), it was an event. Most people want to visit New York…and I am always trying to escape.
New York is the kind of place that makes you want to travel. Since every culture is represented, you can have a conversation with someone from another country and learn about it. It was in a Starbuck’s with a luscious view of the Empire State Building, that I met a gorgeous Ethiopian woman. As a foodie, I had to ask her about the cuisine there. She told me to order the doro wat in an Ethiopian restaurant, which she said was eaten for special occasions.
Traveling dwarfed New York a bit for me. There is an entire world out there and though a lot of it is represented in New York, it is not all here. It is my mission to seek it out.
Savannah where I wrote this post on its waterfront, is nothing like New York. The Savannahians responded to me nicely, and very proud of their city. Some thought I expected more as a New Yorker, because Savannah is not a “big” city. My response was that I loved the calm, and the smaller size. Since it would have been cool and raining in New York, the heat there was refreshing. The smaller size is nice for a person like me who has wanderlust, but no sense of direction. Honestly my New York life was, and will continue to be so fast-paced, I was more than happy for the break…
The irony of my severe wanderlust, is that I saw Rockefeller Center on weekend Today as I was getting ready for the day and thought that is where I live. My favorite restaurant near my hotel, reminded me of a place in Brooklyn I love. Home is home, it is inside you. I could live somewhere else–I know a few places offhand!–but I will never lose New York…it’s a hell of a town as the song says!

photo taken by f dot leonora from her plane before landing in new york city