Charlotte’s Mouth

Charlotte’s mouth intrigued Sally. Her baby daughter would suction her skin with her little mouth as she had no teeth yet, but she sucked so hard. And then her toothless smile, Charlotte was a happy baby. Sally felt happier with Charlotte than she had with Chloe because she knew what to do with her, and […]


Never in her wildest imagination did Sally think that she was going to see Eliza and not want to throttle her. But things had changed, and she was standing in front of her and just smiled at her nemesis. Eliza returned her smile — but what else would she do with her daughter there? Sally […]

Retro: Reverie

One more retro post about Sally, and then we can continue the story: Chloe took a long look at her mother. She had of course seen pictures of her mother when she was younger, her mother had always been the youngest looking mom when she was a kid. The cool one who came to pick […]


Sally had been having a time of it.  After she tired of the unrequited love situation she had had with Oscar, she decided that she needed to move on. She had clung onto him after Chloe had died, but she realized that that was not helping her.  Plus being with him reminded her of Chloe […]

Retro: Behind Closed Doors

Sometimes even an author is not allowed behind the closed doors of her characters when they are going through something. I know Eliza has been talking a lot with Oscar, but Cleo has been a little more elusive… This is a retro post from last year—what a difference a year makes!    Rafe smirked at […]


It was like deja vu for Oscar. This it was him who was showing up to Cleo’s to make sure she was okay, like Eliza had done for him a few days ago. He used his key which he was thankful that he had because, he was not sure that Cleo would have opened the […]


Oscar took her out to a fusion pasta restaurant that she loved. Bibi was asleep in her stroller, her breathing soft and visible. Eliza touched her daughter’s lips, before she twirled some spaghetti on her own fork. This was her valentine from Oscar. He made a gesture for every holiday, and she enjoyed spending time […]

Pythagorean Theorem

I did a lot of multi-tasking last month–in case you forgot where we left off before a brand new Wicked Wednesday post later this week…here is a reminder:       Oscar could not keep his hands off of Eliza, he even started to visit her at night while Rafe was there and her husband was observant. He […]

Fantasies A & B

Chloe was short-lived in this series, but she packed quite a punch. Even her fantasies were hot!!! Especially when they came to fruition… Fantasy A Chloe imagined that she was at work, and Oscar saw her with all of the other interns that he lumped her with when he mentioned her to her mother. He pulled her aside and […]


Oscar could not keep his hands off of Eliza, he even started to visit her at night while Rafe was there and her husband was observant. He could tell when things picked up between her and Oscar, but the thing was that she and Oscar had been such a fixture as part of their relationship […]