Scarlet Lady

Eliza was getting dressed for the evening. She was going to borrow one of Alessa’s dresses. That was the nice thing about being with a woman with exquisite taste when you accidentally spent the entire afternoon making love to her.

Alessa watched her dress and pleasured herself. Eliza almost did not want to get dressed. She wanted to get back in bed and pleasure her girlfriend herself.

But she had to go with Rafe to have dinner with Kelly. Honestly she was so happy that Kelly’s life was back together because Rafe had been a mess after she shot herself in his office. But she did not want to go to dinner with Kelly and Vance. To pretend like Kelly had not wanted to ruin her marriage.

Because she had.

And even with her new man, Kelly had caused a lot of problems for them.

Eliza watched Rafe touching Kelly’s hand at dinner, holding it half the night. Vance looked confused by it as well. He and Eliza exchanged glances at the dinner table the entire night.

At one point, Eliza was nervous that they were looking at each other non-stop. She spilled tiny drops of wine on Alessa’s dress, and got up from the table. Rafe barely nodded in acknowledgment, still holding Kelly’s hand.

In the bathroom, the micro droplets of wine evaporated into the dress – no one would notice. 

The dress was scarlet – even the drops that had formed would barely have been noticed. The dress dipped more than hers usually did, so there was a lot more cleavage than she normally displayed. It was definitely more Alessa’s style than hers.

When she looked up, Vance was in the bathroom with her. She turned around and in the story of her life, she would not be able to tell you who kissed who first.

But they kissed.


Vance slipped the bodice of her dress down and squeezed her breasts before he kissed and licked them. Eliza half sat on the sink, as he pushed her back. A sudden flush made them part like a shot. How she got her dress back up and did not look like she was hardcore making out with him she would never know. But she was decent and Vance was gone when the stranger walked out of the stall. 

“You look beautiful,” the woman smiled as washed her hands.

“Thank you,” Eliza said, seeing her own reflection and realizing she was only beautiful on the outside at that moment.


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photo via Unsplash by Dasha Yukhymyuk

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