Mal was asleep beside her, and Jeanne was somewhere between sleep and wake. Her drowsy eyelids grazed his warm skin and made her feel drugged with tiredness.
“What’s wrong?” Mal whispered, rubbing her cheeks softly under the eyes. Jeanne did not even realize that tears had formed, she pressed her face to his now damp from her tears skin.
“Someone died.”
“I am sorry, was it someone you were close to?”
Jeanne closed her eyes.
“My father.”
Mal wrapped his arms about her, and she sunk into his embrace with a mixture of emotions.
“Were you close? I am not close with my parents…”
“I never met him.”
His embrace tightened about her.
“I grew up with my mom, and she never told me or my father that the other existed. When she died, I found out in her papers.”
“I am sorry.”
Jeanne rolled onto her back, and Mal rolled with her looking into her eyes.
“I have a sister, but she does not know what we are sisters. I went out with her and this guy, and she told me her father was dead—which meant my father was dead and I almost lost it. I did not expect to have such strong emotions about it. I mean I never knew him…”
“But it was your father nonetheless,” Mal said somberly, looking in her eyes. The sun peeked into his eyes with light, and she was riveted.
She nodded.
“You are the only person I have told besides Karys.” Mal nodded, she saw a soft twist of his lips because he knew Karys was important to her. Now she had told him he was important too, and she was ambivalent about it. But she continued. “I am glad that you are with me, I didn’t realize that I did not want to be alone.”
“And you did not call me, I came because I missed you.”
Jeanne nodded, and ran her hands through his hair. He leaned forward, and it all fell into his face. She used her hand to clear the hair from his face, and looked into his sun-filled eyes.
Her emotions for him were staggering, and she was anxious. When she had strong feelings like this, things usually did not go well. She had had traditional and non-traditional relationships, and none of them had gone very well. Looking into his eyes, while he searched hers felt so intimate. When she closed her eyes, his still burned into hers.
Her pretty, pretty Mal.
More Fleur Friday here. And don’t forget to read my latest Masturbation Monday and Wicked Wednesday!
crateva religiosa via wikipedia
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