Tag Archives: Cards of Passion

Talking A Sinful Tryst with Ally Daine On Her Release Day!!!

This is the fourth blog post I have done for the Cards of Passion series I am involved with and it gets more and more exciting each week! Especially today with Ally Daine! It is her release day today with Sinful Tryst, but get ready for more–Ally Daine is a rising star!

How did you get involved with The Cards of Passion series?

Donna invited me to participate and I couldn’t say no! I was in the middle of finishing my first full-length novel last summer. While I’m working on editing that, I took some time to do a side quest and wrote Sinful Tryst

Who does not love the premise of a Sinful Tryst–tell us all about your story! 

Sinful Tryst was borne out of one elf’s deepest, darkest fantasy to have a dangerous liaison with a human—illegal in the world where he lives. But he happens upon a witch in a forest one day who offers him the chance to fulfill his fantasy, for a price of course. So he comes to our world to carry out his dual quest: help the witch and have a tryst with a woman. His paramour is getting over a recent heartbreak. Her fantasy is to have a one-night stand. Though she has always wanted to have one, she feels like putting herself out there and giving into her wild side will also help her get over her breakup. 

What inspired you to write this story?

This story is a prequel to my upcoming full-length novel. There are only two perspectives in that novel, but a few of the other characters have lots to say. Cato was the loudest and I liked the opportunity to tell a bit of his story and reveal some of his world before the novel comes out. I also really liked the theme of “Fantasy” while exploring the characters’ own personal fantasies.

What is next for Ally Daine?!

If you liked peeking into Cato’s world, look for my first full-length novel, Fade, coming in Winter 2025. 

Oooooh there is more? Do tell!!!

If you liked peeking into Cato’s world, look for my first full-length novel, Fade, coming in Winter 2025. Taking place roughly 30 years after Sinful Tryst, this story follows Izzy as she quite literally falls into the elven realm.

Izzy, on the verge of starting her sophomore year at college, tumbles through a mountain while on a climbing trip with friends only to land on a dining table, surrounded by creatures with pointed ears and demonic eyes. Thrust into a world she knows nothing about, Izzy discovers she is an elf, a lost princess from a dying kingdom, hidden away in our world since infancy. The haunted faces around her reflect shame and grief, yet no one will tell her what happened twenty years ago.

Two decades prior, Aris, the King of Alltaar, reduced Cortha to rubble, consigning its people to their meager existence. True retribution eluded him when the Corthan princess slipped through his fingers. When news reaches him that his greatest enemy has returned, Aris races to the ruined kingdom in pursuit of vengeance. He finds trouble instead, as the human lands to the north grow restless, thirsting for elven blood.

Set against a backdrop of war, intrigue, and magic, Aris and Izzy must navigate their fraught past to forge a new future for themselves and their people.

Don’t worry readers of Sinful Tryst, our hero Cato plays a big role in Fade!


Gabbing with Gabbi Black About Her New Book Release!!!

Last week, we got to chat with Dr. J, the mastermind behind the Cards of Passion series I am working on. It is a multi-author series with each of us writing a novella based on our card from the Cards of Passion deck. Gabbi Black’s book, Passion’s Angel is out now and I have to tell you I am excited about it! What a pleasure to gab with Gabbi about her story and what is next for her!

How did you get involved with The Cards of Passion series?

This is a great question because it’s a simple answer.  A friend of mine, who is a good friend of Dr. J’s, asked me.  Well, I’m certain she passed my credentials by Dr. J first…but I was asked and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. I wasn’t familiar with the cards, but now that I am, I’m so excited to be part of this project.

Tell us about your Cards of Passion story!

When Dr. J sent me a deck of the Cards of Passion for myself, I immediately started to leaf through them. One in particular caught my eye and I kept going back to it.   It’s a Physical card labelled: My Sexuality – Body Image.  The photo is of three women standing in a row, all pressed affectionately against each other with the caption: I am grateful for my sexual body – home as it is mine and suited for me. The women are clearly of different races and ethnicities.  And I realized…I had my story.

Now, I don’t have three women in my story – but I have two women and a guy.  Nadine is a strong, powerful Black woman who runs an advertising agency.  Two years ago, she hired Dustin to be her personal assistant.  She liked his ambition and his spark.  Eventually, he convinced her to become lovers.  Then he discovered she had a BDSM dungeon in her basement…and that she’s actually a Domme.  Well, he offered his submission to her willingly and, after a long period of discussion and deliberations – they became Dominant and submissive.

What they didn’t expect was to find Angelique.  I won’t give away too much, but the young woman comes into the couple’s life at just the perfect time.  She also solidifies Dustin and Nadine’s relationship.  Eventually the three become a triad.  The story is a 25k word FFM BDSM.  So plenty of kink, a decent amount of sex, and just a joyous story about three people finding their happiness.

I love happy endings like you as well. Tell us why you do.

I had this conversation with a mentor recently.  Both of us work in jobs where happy endings aren’t always possible.  I can control my characters.  I start with the couple (or throuple) and I knew I’m going to give them a happy ending.  I also know I’m going to make them work for that joy.  What’s a good story without a touch of angst? A moment of doubt? Good old-fashioned work?  Those are all things my readers can expect as I guide my characters to their forever happy endings.

What is next for Gabbi Black?!

Gabbi’s taking a bit of a break.  I just published my first audio – Grant’s Gambit.  That endeavor, along with Passion’s Angel, are it for 2024.  But I have plans for a new BDSM trilogy next year.

I also write under two other pen names.  Gabbi Powell is mid-angst, mid-heat, small town romances.  While Gabbi Black’s stories are very Vancouver and city-centric, Gabbi Powell’s books are set in British Columbia, but away from the big city.  She also writes a pile of angst in her books.

Finally, I write gay romances under the pen name Gabbi Grey.  Most of the books are MM, although I have a couple of sapphic romances and a new MMF series.  Those books have settings all over the world – including a new novella set in Sydney, Australia that’s coming out in November.  I have a series set in the same town as Gabbi Powell’s books.  Love in Mission City is a mid-angst mid-heat gay romance series and often my secondary characters cross between books and series.  My fans loving seeing cameos.

Thank you so much for hosting me today! I hope readers are drawn to the Cards of Passion series with so many great books.

Get Passion’s Angel here:
