Stumbling Toward Serenity with the Sensational Mischa Eliot!!!

This Cards of Passion series is an amazing one to be part of with authors that I have gotten to know, and authors like Mischa Eliot who I have known for a long time. Mischa is amazing and serene–let’s see what she has to say about her new release, Stumbling Toward Serenity!
I have known you for a long time, but tell us all about yourself and how you got involved with Cards of Passion!
Donna, aka Dr. J. mentioned the idea and the next thing I knew, I was in the middle of it. She has a way of bringing me into her projects either behind the scenes or directly involved. It’s a whirlwind of chaotic excitement!
What was your Cards of Passion card and why did it appeal to you?
I specifically chose the Self-Intimacy cards because they speak to me the most. It’s taken me too long in this life to remember my needs and desires matter, too. Self-Intimacy can be more than just sexual. It’s all about being able to navigate your own emotions and mentality, too.
Tell us about your story!
Originally, I planned to have a woman leaving a toxic relationship. Even started writing and creating characters. Then one day, I had an epiphany. What if my FMC is the toxic relationship? How will she navigate everything falling apart around her?
Stumbling Toward Serenity is a novella featuring a toxic workaholic woman who falls from grace in her career and with her best friend.
Natalie has no choice – she needs to do something quick before she loses all her clients and her best friend. A chance encounter leads her to The Haven and Marcus.
From there, they navigate vulnerability and other emotional upheavals. Natalie lost everything to find herself through yoga, meditation, journaling, and reigniting her desires.
This is a slow burn to spicy hot romance novella that has a meet-wtaf! and a happy for now ending.
You and I have been in an anthology before–tell me why you like working with other authors.
Authors – especially indie authors – need to stick together. Those of us in this multi-author series range from never before published to best selling authors. It’s not easy, this writing thing. Especially if you’re not writing to trends, tropes, and market.
For example, I put Natalie through hell in the first few chapters, so the book doesn’t have a Dark Moment of the Soul. I felt she went through enough and she earned a possible future with Marcus without a fallout between them.
What is next for Mischa Eliot?!
I’d love to visit The Haven for my own sabbatical, but since it doesn’t exist, probably a deep tissue massage, helping other authors in this series with us, and more books featuring other characters and Revelry Island.
Find out more about Mischa @
Get Stumbling Toward Serenity here:

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