Damaris walked into the restaurant–which was a change for her and Jared. He usually came to her place called her beautiful, and walked out without saying much more to her.
But in the restaurant, he would have to say more to her? She was not sure…
When she walked over to his table, Jared looked up at her, wrapped his arm about her hips and squeezed her ass. She closed her eyes because she was wet as soon as she walked close to the table.
After she sat beside him, he kissed her neck and placed his hand right between her legs without haste. She could tell he was looking to see if she was wet.
She was wet, and parted her legs so that he could do whatever he wanted between her legs –which included him giving her a hand job that made her squirm and stare at the pretty painted lady on the wall holding a cocktail. Damaris closed her eyes when she came, and Jared tapped her leg to let her know she should place them closer together.
“You’re beautiful…” he said, and she clenched her teeth.
With his hand on her back, he ordered for both of them when the waiter came over.
Everything was amazing, every bite was amazing. They both ate with one hand because Jared held her thigh with his hand, and she held her hand over his.
“No dessert,” Jared said to the waiter, as he squeezed her thigh under the table.
Damaris knew she was it.
He led her from the table after he paid the bill. They walked to the elevator bank that led to the rooms that you needed a special key for. Damaris was startled when he cornered her in the elevator.
“Touch me,” he said.
She did, he was hot and hard and she got on her knees immediately to worship him.
He tugged her up by her hair. Damaris looked at him, as he unzipped his pants. She salivated looking at his thick shaft. Tasting it even before it was in her mouth, because she knew how good he tasted.
When the elevator door opened, Jared placed his hand on her back to lead her to his hotel room. Where she would be whipped cream, chocolate syrup and his cherry on top…
More Masturbation Monday here, more Friday Flash here: