Never Too Late To Go Back To School With Jordan Lubov

I have always been a fan of Jordan Lubov so I was tickled pink to see that she has a book called Back to School. Being that she is a teacher and a writer, I decided to pick her brain about her seasonal fall book that rivals any pumpkin spice latte!


Not sure I have ever seen Back to School be this hot–tell me about the story!

About the story – Back to School is an erotic romance with elements of BDSM and a little bit of an age gap. Justin and Kelly meet at a resort over summer vacation and sparks fly immediately. It’s a hot and heavy fling and Kelly doesn’t expect it to follow her home. But it turns out that Justin’s new job makes him an assistant principal at the school where she teaches and the pair get a chance to continue their romance when they get back to school.

As a teacher yourself, contrast what back to school means for you.

I tried to base the non-erotic elements of this story on the reality of what coming back to school after vacation is like for me. Coming in early to set up the classroom, catching up with co-workers after a summer away, attending meetings and workshops – all of those things are exactly what I went through just a couple of weeks ago! Of course, my own back to school experience never included the sort of excitement and conflicted feelings that Kelly experiences in the book. There’s a blush-inducing, thigh-clenching, lip-biting thrill for Kelly, when she remembers all the things she’d done with the new assistant principal.

What makes the trope of the summer fling so eternal?

I think the trope of a summer fling has a certain nostalgia attached to it. Readers might be reminded of school days, college days, a time when summer was linked to new experiences and good times. Staying out later and spending time with peers. It’s related for many, I think. And it feels lighthearted! A better excuse for acting naughty without a commitment.

You write such intimate connections, what inspires you?

Thank you – I’m flattered that you feel I write intimate connections. I’m inspired by the real moments in life, by the urge to make my stories feel relatable and realistic to the readers, for my characters to be believable. There’s so much intimacy in the genuine way that friends talk to each other, in the way that couples relate to each other outside of the bedroom. It’s in the small, realistic details.

What else is on the horizon for Jordan Lubov?

I’m branching out a bit more lately, writing across genres outside of erotic romance. I’ve been writing articles about some of my personal struggles as well as parenting and humor. But I’ve not completely switched over, just widening my range. I have more erotic romance in the works as well, including books three and four in the Webb Brothers Series and the eventual release of Feral Funerals, which my writing partner Ranch Hand and I had been working on back in the spring.


It is never too late to go back to school, get your copy of Back to School here.


Sri Savita Shares About Sensual The Deed With The Duke on Her Release Day!!!

Summer might be over, but Sri Savita provides us the sensual and summery experience that she loves in romances (as a reader and) as a writer with the newest Cards of Passion release. The Deed With The Duke is a decadent enemies to lovers tale, layered with Sri’s academic and literary touch. She describes her process and inspiration with us on her release day.

How did you get involved with The Cards of Passion series?

Dr. J. and Mischa Eliot asked if I’d be interested in joining the project and I was excited to be part of a collaborative series that had an interesting concept around weaving a theme from the cards that Dr. J. created into a story. I chose desire, and since my story was going to be set in the Regency era, Dr. J. and I discussed having my story almost serve as a prequel to lead into her story.

Tell us all about The Deed With the Duke!

The Deed with the Duke begins with the hero, Raaz Panchal—the Duke of Wednesbury—searching for the missing deed to his late father’s beloved cottage. He travels to Robin Hood’s Bay, but when he arrives in the countryside, he learns the home is not vacant, and a beguiling woman—the heroine, Camelia Parikh—claims it’s her property now. Hijinks ensue and sparks fly in a forced proximity situation!

I knew I wanted my story to be a love letter to Indian representation in regency romance by making them the main characters rather than only present in the backdrops of these stories, imported goods, on the table, and in the clothing. I also wanted my story to be a love letter to what I love about historical romance and stories in general with a very warm, kind, gentle, cozy, and summery experience for the reader, my characters, and me. It’s been great to see that the first chapter has largely stayed the same since then, and the story conveys the deep emotion, romantic chemistry, and tension that I love to read.

You work in academia, tell us how that adds to your writing and vice versa.

With a Ph.D. in Psychology, research is naturally part of the fun of crafting fiction for me, and I enjoy bringing my passion for learning, reading, language, and psychology to my characters and stories. As a historical romance author (and reader!) I love prose and line-level editing is one of my favorite things, the writing is as much a character as the setting and characters are in the genre, and my background as a psycholinguist lends itself to thinking about prose deeply while drafting and editing to capture readers’ attention for a reading experience that is immersive, well-paced, and evokes a lot of emotion with only a few sentences.

Lust-at-first sight! What do you like most about writing erotic scenes?

Yes! For a shorter novel I went with lust-at-first as a guiding trope for the romance, but while the story might begin with insta-lust, there is not immediate fulfillment because my favorite thing to build up is the romantic chemistry, tension and seduction, and I want that to spring from a well of deep emotion and intimacy between the characters. So, there is an initial spark of longing that builds to a more deeply rooted desire over the course of the story, and the growing connection between the characters. That blend of emotion and heat is what creates a compelling erotic scene for me—and creates a connection between characters that I can feel and believe in as both a writer and reader.

What is next for Sri Savita?
I’ll be sharing more about a free exclusive story for my newsletter subscribers soon that is a companion tale to The Deed with the Duke. Additionally, I’ll be writing a bonus epilogue for The Deed with the Duke for subscribers as well. After that, I’ll be focusing on writing happily-ever-afters for Raaz’s four younger siblings. When you read the book, you’ll see who’s next in the epilogue. I’ve also got a couple other secret regency romance projects in the works that I can’t say too much about yet, but stay tuned!

Get your copy of The Deed With the Duke here.

The Fortune to Chat With Kaitlin Schmidt on Her Release Day!!!

I am SO excited to host Kaitlin on her release day. I love the enemies to lovers trope and she managed to include so many other details that have me ENTHRALLED!!! I’ll let her tell you all about The Cartomancer’s Curse.


How did you get involved with the Cards of Passion series?

Dr. J invited me to join after we worked together through Rosy Wellness. Unbeknownst to her, I was feeling stuck on what my writing critique group calls my “Swamp Situation”―the swampy queernorm dark fantasy novel that I daydream about and neglect in equal measure—and I was excited to divert my attention to a shorter, cozier project.

Tell us all about The Cartomancer’s Curse!

I’m really big on writing queernorm fantasy (I just wrote this post explaining what queernorm writing is—and M/F stories can be queernorm, too!). This novella is queernorm, it’s sapphic enemies-to-lovers, it’s cozy, it’s spicy, and it’s magical!! All the major food groups, haha. Meridian is a grumpy psychic who needs to learn that a partner can take true, selfish pleasure in her pleasure. Her defenses are high because she’s been hurt in the past, so she pushes away her sunshine counterpart, Wren. The universe rolls its eyes and curses the two women, and Meridian gets thrown into a reluctant enemies-to-lovers arc with the hot thief who keeps saying she wants to tie Meridian up.

The psychic ability to taste people’s desire? Molasses? Tell me more!

Okay, so my initial drafts of things tend to be overly abstract, so I was trying to turn Meridian’s ability into something concrete. I wrote a draft with her able to taste desires on an absolute whim for an unrelated flash fiction contest called Writing Battle. I believed I was having a fun romp and would then figure out the real story later. But it turns out it was *too* fun, and I had to keep going! So then I started smelling a lot of spices and tea and food―even metal!—to decide what they meant.

Molasses in particular has a special place in my heart. I find it to be a strange-yet-compelling combination of earthy and sweet, and it was introduced to me as a good ingredient for oatmeal by my loving partner in real life, so I associate it with them, too. When Meridian tasted it on Wren, I had a vague feeling about what desire it represented, but couldn’t put my finger on it until I was almost done with the draft. I was writing Meridian having an epiphany about it, and then *I* had an epiphany about it at the same time as her! But to find out what it means, you’ll have to read the book 🙂

This is a particularly adversarial enemies-to-lovers story—what inspired you?

I love to read adversarial enemies-to-lovers arcs, so I knew I had to write one. I think it creates really interesting power dynamics, including opportunities for sexy bondage (my favorite). It brings out the heat between characters! Unfortunately, I mostly see enemies-to-lovers stories that are M/F, and while I love those too, I want to bring that dynamic into F/F more.

What is next for Kaitlin Schmidt—editor and author?

As a writer, now that I’m done with the novella, I’m knee-deep in the Swamp Situation again. (I love it.) I also hope to write a Part 2 to The Cartomancer’s Curse featuring Riley, a character with their own secrets who gets introduced in the current book (and they may or may not be in love with both Wren and Meridian).

As a freelance editor, I absolutely love working with indie authors (now booking for late fall and winter!). I like copyediting and proofreading especially (though I also offer higher-level edits) and am primarily seeking genre fiction, especially fantasy, romance, LGBTQ+, or all three combined.

Cannot wait to read this story and you should not either–here is the link!! 




Henrietta Holland Tells Us About Hope on Her Release Day!!!!

It is AMAZING that the fifth Cards of Passion book is out already! I am so happy for Henrietta on her release day! It has been a pleasure working with her and all of the other authors in this series. Her story is a small-town romance and I have to say I love those! It is funny too because Henrietta and I both live in large cities! Find out more about Henrietta and Wild Within set in the small town of Hope!

How did you get involved with The Cards of Passion series?

I’ve asked myself that same question often over the last few months!

I was asked by Dr. J to consider writing one of the stories for her series. I’ve only recently discovered series that are written by several authors. It’s something new to me. I didn’t think about it too long. It was a way to fulfill a lifelong dream: write a book and have it published. But should I? Then I thought about the support system already in place for this project, and the amount of varied writing experience and knowledge possessed by the other authors. I knew I would probably never be given this opportunity again within such a nurturing environment. I had so much to learn, but I couldn’t say no.


Tell us all about Wild Within!

Wild Within is set in the imaginary town of Hope, located close to the Sierra Nevada mountains in California.

My protagonist is Molly. She is a divorced mother of two who has relocated to Hope to get on with her life and away from the influence of her ex, Zach. She wants to complete her recovery from his mental/emotional and verbal abuse, but there still exists a voice in her head repeating Zach’s demeaning and hurtful comments.

Her life revolves around her children and the bookshop she owns. But she can’t help feeling something or someone is missing to make her life complete.

Josh is Molly’s neighbor. He has left the police force after being injured in a shootout. Molly is attracted to him, but doubts anything about herself could attract a man, much less her gorgeous neighbor. The voice in her head reinforces her negative thoughts.

The story follows Molly’s journey as she tries to find her way to complete recovery and accept herself as she is, while also accepting that she is attractive to men, or a man, no matter what the voice in her head tries to say.

What inspired you to write this story?

Honestly, Dr. J and her Purple Passion cards were my inspiration. I received her cards as a gift when they were initially released. I was also gifted a place in her first workshop and the time I spent with that group of women was amazing! 

My partner has been encouraging me to write again. I earned an M.A. in literature and creative writing about ten years ago. But I haven’t continued writing on a regular basis. And any writing I have done has been for me. Looking back, I don’t think the writing program I was in was particularly nurturing or encouraging. The other students were wonderful, and I received good feedback, but I never got the feeling the teacher believed I had any talent. I ended that experience on a very low note.

When Dr. J asked if I might write a novella inspired by her cards I was astounded. I had no expectation of being asked to participate, but I did believe the series concept was a wonderful idea. I didn’t really think, I responded from my soul. I knew this experience would be different, that I would be surrounded by a caring and nurturing group of women. And their combined experience and knowledge would help me through whatever I encountered. I knew the one topic that spoke to me the loudest — body image. My biggest challenge would be my own procrastinating nature.


I love the charm of a small town, why did you pick this one to tell your story in?

I love that charm too. I’ve always lived in Los Angeles. L.A. has so much available as far as things to do and places to visit, but it doesn’t have the closeness and community that can be found in smaller towns. You can find the closeness in some neighborhoods, or within clubs or groups, but it’s not the same. I wanted to create a sense of community and decided the best way was to place my story in a small-town environment.

What is next for Henrietta Holland?

This is a great question! I’m not completely positive, as what I think I’ll do next changes from day to day.

I have a sci-fi murder mystery swirling in my head that I need to figure out. My hope is to get initial thoughts down on paper soon, so I can begin to develop the story. I’ve never written anything like this. It gives me an even greater respect for Agatha Christie and Anne McCaffrey.

I’m also thinking of creating more stories based in my town of Hope, created from other characters in Wild Within, or people mentioned, but not actually in, my first book. I just need to figure out where to start.


You can start reading Wild Within now–here is the link!

Talking A Sinful Tryst with Ally Daine On Her Release Day!!!

This is the fourth blog post I have done for the Cards of Passion series I am involved with and it gets more and more exciting each week! Especially today with Ally Daine! It is her release day today with Sinful Tryst, but get ready for more–Ally Daine is a rising star!

How did you get involved with The Cards of Passion series?

Donna invited me to participate and I couldn’t say no! I was in the middle of finishing my first full-length novel last summer. While I’m working on editing that, I took some time to do a side quest and wrote Sinful Tryst

Who does not love the premise of a Sinful Tryst–tell us all about your story! 

Sinful Tryst was borne out of one elf’s deepest, darkest fantasy to have a dangerous liaison with a human—illegal in the world where he lives. But he happens upon a witch in a forest one day who offers him the chance to fulfill his fantasy, for a price of course. So he comes to our world to carry out his dual quest: help the witch and have a tryst with a woman. His paramour is getting over a recent heartbreak. Her fantasy is to have a one-night stand. Though she has always wanted to have one, she feels like putting herself out there and giving into her wild side will also help her get over her breakup. 

What inspired you to write this story?

This story is a prequel to my upcoming full-length novel. There are only two perspectives in that novel, but a few of the other characters have lots to say. Cato was the loudest and I liked the opportunity to tell a bit of his story and reveal some of his world before the novel comes out. I also really liked the theme of “Fantasy” while exploring the characters’ own personal fantasies.

What is next for Ally Daine?!

If you liked peeking into Cato’s world, look for my first full-length novel, Fade, coming in Winter 2025. 

Oooooh there is more? Do tell!!!

If you liked peeking into Cato’s world, look for my first full-length novel, Fade, coming in Winter 2025. Taking place roughly 30 years after Sinful Tryst, this story follows Izzy as she quite literally falls into the elven realm.

Izzy, on the verge of starting her sophomore year at college, tumbles through a mountain while on a climbing trip with friends only to land on a dining table, surrounded by creatures with pointed ears and demonic eyes. Thrust into a world she knows nothing about, Izzy discovers she is an elf, a lost princess from a dying kingdom, hidden away in our world since infancy. The haunted faces around her reflect shame and grief, yet no one will tell her what happened twenty years ago.

Two decades prior, Aris, the King of Alltaar, reduced Cortha to rubble, consigning its people to their meager existence. True retribution eluded him when the Corthan princess slipped through his fingers. When news reaches him that his greatest enemy has returned, Aris races to the ruined kingdom in pursuit of vengeance. He finds trouble instead, as the human lands to the north grow restless, thirsting for elven blood.

Set against a backdrop of war, intrigue, and magic, Aris and Izzy must navigate their fraught past to forge a new future for themselves and their people.

Don’t worry readers of Sinful Tryst, our hero Cato plays a big role in Fade!


Stumbling Toward Serenity with the Sensational Mischa Eliot!!!

This Cards of Passion series is an amazing one to be part of with authors that I have gotten to know, and authors like Mischa Eliot who I have known for a long time. Mischa is amazing and serene–let’s see what she has to say about her new release, Stumbling Toward Serenity!
I have known you for a long time, but tell us all about yourself and how you got involved with Cards of Passion!
Donna, aka Dr. J. mentioned the idea and the next thing I knew, I was in the middle of it. She has a way of bringing me into her projects either behind the scenes or directly involved. It’s a whirlwind of chaotic excitement!
What was your Cards of Passion card and why did it appeal to you?
I specifically chose the Self-Intimacy cards because they speak to me the most. It’s taken me too long in this life to remember my needs and desires matter, too. Self-Intimacy can be more than just sexual. It’s all about being able to navigate your own emotions and mentality, too.
Tell us about your story!
Originally, I planned to have a woman leaving a toxic relationship. Even started writing and creating characters. Then one day, I had an epiphany. What if my FMC is the toxic relationship? How will she navigate everything falling apart around her?
Stumbling Toward Serenity is a novella featuring a toxic workaholic woman who falls from grace in her career and with her best friend.
Natalie has no choice – she needs to do something quick before she loses all her clients and her best friend. A chance encounter leads her to The Haven and Marcus.
From there, they navigate vulnerability and other emotional upheavals. Natalie lost everything to find herself through yoga, meditation, journaling, and reigniting her desires.
This is a slow burn to spicy hot romance novella that has a meet-wtaf! and a happy for now ending.
You and I have been in an anthology before–tell me why you like working with other authors.
Authors – especially indie authors – need to stick together. Those of us in this multi-author series range from never before published to best selling authors. It’s not easy, this writing thing. Especially if you’re not writing to trends, tropes, and market.
For example, I put Natalie through hell in the first few chapters, so the book doesn’t have a Dark Moment of the Soul. I felt she went through enough and she earned a possible future with Marcus without a fallout between them.
What is next for Mischa Eliot?!
I’d love to visit The Haven for my own sabbatical, but since it doesn’t exist, probably a deep tissue massage, helping other authors in this series with us, and more books featuring other characters and Revelry Island.
Find out more about Mischa @
Get Stumbling Toward Serenity here:

Gabbing with Gabbi Black About Her New Book Release!!!

Last week, we got to chat with Dr. J, the mastermind behind the Cards of Passion series I am working on. It is a multi-author series with each of us writing a novella based on our card from the Cards of Passion deck. Gabbi Black’s book, Passion’s Angel is out now and I have to tell you I am excited about it! What a pleasure to gab with Gabbi about her story and what is next for her!

How did you get involved with The Cards of Passion series?

This is a great question because it’s a simple answer.  A friend of mine, who is a good friend of Dr. J’s, asked me.  Well, I’m certain she passed my credentials by Dr. J first…but I was asked and I couldn’t have been more thrilled. I wasn’t familiar with the cards, but now that I am, I’m so excited to be part of this project.

Tell us about your Cards of Passion story!

When Dr. J sent me a deck of the Cards of Passion for myself, I immediately started to leaf through them. One in particular caught my eye and I kept going back to it.   It’s a Physical card labelled: My Sexuality – Body Image.  The photo is of three women standing in a row, all pressed affectionately against each other with the caption: I am grateful for my sexual body – home as it is mine and suited for me. The women are clearly of different races and ethnicities.  And I realized…I had my story.

Now, I don’t have three women in my story – but I have two women and a guy.  Nadine is a strong, powerful Black woman who runs an advertising agency.  Two years ago, she hired Dustin to be her personal assistant.  She liked his ambition and his spark.  Eventually, he convinced her to become lovers.  Then he discovered she had a BDSM dungeon in her basement…and that she’s actually a Domme.  Well, he offered his submission to her willingly and, after a long period of discussion and deliberations – they became Dominant and submissive.

What they didn’t expect was to find Angelique.  I won’t give away too much, but the young woman comes into the couple’s life at just the perfect time.  She also solidifies Dustin and Nadine’s relationship.  Eventually the three become a triad.  The story is a 25k word FFM BDSM.  So plenty of kink, a decent amount of sex, and just a joyous story about three people finding their happiness.

I love happy endings like you as well. Tell us why you do.

I had this conversation with a mentor recently.  Both of us work in jobs where happy endings aren’t always possible.  I can control my characters.  I start with the couple (or throuple) and I knew I’m going to give them a happy ending.  I also know I’m going to make them work for that joy.  What’s a good story without a touch of angst? A moment of doubt? Good old-fashioned work?  Those are all things my readers can expect as I guide my characters to their forever happy endings.

What is next for Gabbi Black?!

Gabbi’s taking a bit of a break.  I just published my first audio – Grant’s Gambit.  That endeavor, along with Passion’s Angel, are it for 2024.  But I have plans for a new BDSM trilogy next year.

I also write under two other pen names.  Gabbi Powell is mid-angst, mid-heat, small town romances.  While Gabbi Black’s stories are very Vancouver and city-centric, Gabbi Powell’s books are set in British Columbia, but away from the big city.  She also writes a pile of angst in her books.

Finally, I write gay romances under the pen name Gabbi Grey.  Most of the books are MM, although I have a couple of sapphic romances and a new MMF series.  Those books have settings all over the world – including a new novella set in Sydney, Australia that’s coming out in November.  I have a series set in the same town as Gabbi Powell’s books.  Love in Mission City is a mid-angst mid-heat gay romance series and often my secondary characters cross between books and series.  My fans loving seeing cameos.

Thank you so much for hosting me today! I hope readers are drawn to the Cards of Passion series with so many great books.

Get Passion’s Angel here:



Chatting With Birthday Girl Dr. J/ Donna Jennings on Her Book Release Day!!!

I have had a hot summer! I am in a new anthology and working on a novella for a new anthology series inspired by the Cards Of Passion. Cards of Passion is the brainchild of my friend Dr. J/ Donna Jennings, and I was thrilled to be asked to join her and the other authors for this series!

Today is her birthday and the first Cards of Passion book (hers), Shadows and Silhouettes is out today. Let’s wish Donna a happy birthday and chat with her!!!

I have known and loved you for years, but tell us about yourself!

The feeling is mutual, Leonora. I adore you and your work. Who am I? I’m a retired sex therapist and college human sexuality professor turned erotic romance writer.

My 48-year career in sexuality began with packing condoms for Adam and Eve. I got three degrees related to sexuality and opened a private practice for therapy, education, and consulting.

As I retired from my college teaching, my students said write, so I did. I started with erotica shorts and moved into novellas and novels. I’m the erotica editor for the sexual wellness platform Rosy. I live on the Atlantic coast and love to support the arts in my area. Most people don’t know I’m an avid sock knitter.


What inspired you to create the cards of Cards of Passion and series?

Great question with a long answer. I was in the process with a co-author of creating the Purple Sex & Love Journal for Women and because of a life change, my fellow author couldn’t continue. I needed to finish the journal and move it forward without them, but I didn’t know how. While in the North Carolina mountains, nature inspired me, and I created the cards and they helped me complete the journal.

The following spring, I hosted a writer’s retreat, and the cards were there. We were having a lively “what if” discussion, and the cards jumped in. We talked about what would happen if the cards showed up in different stories. And now they have.

I have nine authors who wanted to take part in this series, which I dubbed Cards of Passion. I sent each author a deck. They each write in different genres of romance, but saw a place in their writing where sex-positive affirmations could help. I think the cards are kind of like the pants in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.

They selected one of nine topic sets: self-intimacy, sensuality, fantasy, sexual behaviors, gender, sexual orientation, pleasure, body image and desire as part of their story. It has been such a fun process and I’m looking forward to see how the authors used the idea. If the process of cover design is an indicator, they will be so interesting. And with a quirk of fate, I’ll be there for the Cards of Passion book launch.


You just wrote the Fiction Writers Sexuality Guide; how does that inspire the Cards of Passion or vice versa?

I love this question. I’ve told many folks that The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide was my writing dissertation. It is my effort to highlight everything in the sexuality world to help authors with a sex-positive mindset and character development tools in their writing. This mindset provides a foundation and offers a new paradigm for embracing sexuality in writing.

The content of FWSG and the content of Cards of Passion is foundationally the same. They both highlight experiences through the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of sexuality on humans/characters and considers how the world around interacts with the individual/character. For FWSG, it’s about how to think about yourself and your characters in layersover a lifetime. With the cards, it encourages self-reflection on your sexual identity and if you have a desire for any modifications. Both make sexuality a balanced aspect of the person.


Tell us about your Cards of Passion installment!

This is exciting. I know how I created the actual cards in my world and it felt magical. But when we had the conversation about the cards in writing stories, I wanted it to tap into my imagination and create a story of the cards wrapped around two people who fall in love.

Nature continued to stay a central theme, as did the aspect of my life in sexuality as an educator. Liv the FMC is a sexuality educator who battles a sexual medical issue. The MMC also deals with a sexuality issue. The cards creation element weaves between them as Liv’s creates the card project. This all occurs as they meet at a creativity summit to heal themselves. They both get some surprises.


What is up next for you or anything you want to share in closing?

It’s been a busy year. Three books came out and I’ve done a lot of speaking engagements, and I’m laying out next year’s books. My themes will continue to focus on sexuality as a setting or central aspect of the characters. I’m also teaming up with USA Today Best-selling Author Danika Bloom for a podcast/YouTube discussion on romance and sexuality for writers. Stay tuned.

Dr. J. is a retired sex therapist and college human sexuality professor. She is the editor for Rosy, a sexual wellness platform for women. Her passion is writing romantic and erotic stories that elevate sex-positive ideas. She hopes the readers perceive the characters as fully developed, with sexuality being an equal part of their makeup. She wrote The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide: Sex—It’s More Than a Scene to share her process with writers.

Follow Dr. J here:


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photos via Dr. J

The Queen

Oscar arrived at the bar, Rafe bit his lip and Oscar  looked between him and Eliza. She kissed him and took his hand kissing it reverently. He sat between the two of them, Eliza kissed and squeezed his hand all the more.

“Rafe,” she said.

Oscar turned to look at Rafe.

A mixture of feelings filled him. It was easy to look at Rafe now. He was not quite his best friend, but not his adversary and competitor the way he had been. There was more of an ease between them but there was something in Rafe’s face that he had never seen before as Eliza let his hand go to give him his scotch.

“Rafe…” Eliza said again and now Oscar was nervous.

“Oscar,” Rafe cleared his throat. “I just told Eliza that since that night that we spooned in bed—you and I—that I have been fantasizing about something more.

Oscar sat back on his stool. First he looked at Rafe with a smirk and then Eliza with dark eyes. Her expression was one he had never seen before either.

“What would you like me to say Rafe?” Oscar said and then looked at Eliza. “What would you like me to say?

“Nothing,” Rafe replied and downed his drink. “Eliza asked me to tell you.”

Oscar turned his full attention on Eliza.

“Eliza? What would you like me to say?”

“I cannot tell you what to say Oscar, but when Rafe told me it is not really something that affects me is it?”

Eliza took a sip from Oscar’s drink since her own drink was done.

“Well I really do not know what to say put on the spot like this.”

“Oscar,” Eliza whispered and took his hand again.

“I mean I am not sure Eliza what more you want from me. You possibly have my daughter that you are raising as another man’s child and you convinced me to live with the two of you and now you want me to fuck your husband as well? I am not sure what to say Eliza…”

“It is all my fault Oscar,” Rafe said. “Everything that has happened between me and Eliza lately is because I kept this secret. Why I started with Kelly, why she ended up in this hotel tonight with Vance–why we called you here now.”

“I fucked Eliza in a hotel the first time that we met and I never, never would have imagined any of this.”

“Oscar, I love you…” Eliza said. “I have always loved you. You are not a pawn here…”

“I’m not?” he laughed. “But you are the queen, aren’t you?”


Read more from me on Medium and Vocal

image via Pexels by Pixabay


The Marrieds

Eliza waited at the bar for her husband. Vance had stayed upstairs and their room was still available. He understood that she needed to see Rafe.

Rafe walked into the bar and Eliza felt her heart leap, a combination of excitement and adrenaline. Her husband sat down beside her, his wedding band bright under the light.

“So have you sorted everything out with her?” Eliza could even hear that the extra intonation of her meant that she did not even want to say Kelly’s name.

“Eliza,” he started as his drink was handed to him and she swirled her wine. “Eliza, I never meant to hurt you, Bibi.”

“Rafe, I know,” she said. “This is my fault too.”

Rafe touched her arm and Eliza took his hand in hers.

“You were with Vance?” Rafe asked.

“He is upstairs,” Eliza said. “It is not about him.” 

“I need to know if we are good,” he asked, putting his hand on her knee.

“What really can make us not good?” Eliza asked and she looked at her husband. After everything they had been through, she really did wonder what would make them not good?

“Nothing Eliza, nothing. Kelly…”

Eliza winced when he said Kelly’s name, but she knew she was not a threat now just from looking at Rafe.

“What about her,” Eliza asked, picking up her drink.

“I just got close to her and I told her personal things and I was wrong about what was between us.”

“Did you tell her things that you did not tell me?”

Rafe bit his lip.

Eliza took his hands. 

“Tell me.”

Rafe shifted on his bar stool,

“That time that Oscar and I spooned.”

Eliza bit her lip now, she remembered that night. Both of them sexy and in bed with her, that was how she slept a lot of nights but Rafe had never told her anything about him and Oscar.

“Did something happen?”

“No,” her husband said, shaking his head. “But I have fantasized about it.”

“Alessa told me that you were with a man before…”

“I have never been with a man before Eliza.”

“Did you sleep with Kelly because you were nervous to sleep with Oscar? Did you really want to explore something with Oscar? We are all so close now…”

Rafe looked away from her. Eliza squeezed his knee. The three of them had their dynamic going for quite some time and she believed that anything could happen. She loved them both and she had Alessa who was the first woman she was with. Rafe could do anything he wanted if he wanted to be with Oscar.

Her phone buzzed. 

Is he there, she saw twin messages from Oscar and Vance. Eliza texted Oscar back first.

Come meet us…


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featured photo via Pexels by Timo Miroshnichenko